Tiny Islands - Post your Dailies here!

Only 55 today.

There was another update this morning. I don’t know what it changed, but it sure seemed to make a difference in our scores. Or was that just the luck of the shuffle?

Yeah, scoring changed for churches and trees. It outlines the changes on the intro screen, but doesn’t particularly call much notice to them.

No, I mean, there was another update after that one. But it didn’t seem to change the scoring rules, so it might have been a bug fix or a UI change, but it could have been a change to the deck configuration.

I like my lonely mountain.

62 today. Mountains saved me.

Today’s was kinda tough I thought. 57.

Time to start playing around with variants. Today I set out to try to limit myself to one central island. The long skinny one was to hopefully minimize penalties, and by the end I got away with it. Only the big island scored any points.

54 today. I feel like I’m having trouble breaking 60 ever since the scoring update. I probably need to stop putting too much value in forests (since their scoring has changed) and really make better decisions.

I really, really like forests, too. I feel ya.

62 here. They need to denerf forests and nerf mountains instead. Compare Dave’s to mine. I have really nice forest groups that were worth squat. No offense intended, Dave played very well with the rules as they are, but building the sorts of forest groups I have is difficult and should be rewarded.

I miss 1-3-6-10 scoring for things. These changes are lame. It’s more like a spreadsheet now than it is exciting, imo.

I think the changes promote using multiple features more than focusing on certain higher scoring ones. It’s like the designer wants the maps to have variety instead of us min/maxing them to death. The unintended consequence IMO is that you’re going to have scores that are always much closer, which I think you can see in the last couple days. Scoring over 70 will be much rarer now. I’m not really a fan of the changes.

I think the designer saw that most of the high scoring maps were a large group of trees surrounded by as many mountains as possible and nerfed the trees. I think this was a mistake. If I were the designer I would say, ok, mountains and trees are maybe a little too powerful, let’s focus on making other things powerful too, so that there are many paths to a high score. And then nerf mountains a bit because placing a large number of mountains where each one could score 6-10 points is way unbalanced.


Sandy coves.

I had a move that left two points on the table for sure because I clicked too quickly. 57 today.

Houses+Churches > Forests+Mountains these days

Hideous score for me today. I was forced to place a wave that canceled another one out, but even those extra four points wouldn’t have helped me much.