Tips, tricks, and suggestions for the novice Red Dead Redemption 2 cowboy

This is correct!

Oh, I thought I had to lasso it. Then when I’d let it go it would run off and I’d lose it.

Well I never lassoed it anyway, give it a shot and see if you can just take the woman from the horse without lassoing.

All right, what’s the best way to kill the freaking white cougar in the cave so he doesn’t maul me? Do I have to try to keep the pelt all nice? I used dead eye to put a Schofield round in his noggin but that apparently wasn’t enough.

Cougars are fuckers.

I’m afraid that’s the only advice I have for you. :(


Is this part of a debt collection mission? If so, just shoot it lots of times. Pelt quality won’t suffer.


Save the legendary fish for when you are working on survivalist challenge 10. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

Also tip: I FUCKING HATE FUCKING DOMINOES and the challenges surrounding them.

I’m stuck on the win 3 times without drawing a domino one. Just have to wait until I get lucky, though I do leave the game as soon as i draw. I read that you can keep the consecutive wins one going by leaving the game on your turn before you lose. So if you have 1 win and know that you will lose after you play 1 more domino you can keep it from resetting if you exit the game before you play that domino. Though you will still be stuck having to get those 3 wins before you save the game or it resets.

I never learned to play any dominoes games as a kid, so when I got that mission to play them with Tilly at the camp I was totally lost. I couldn’t discern how the game was scored at all.

I beat that challenge last night, and if it helps I can tell you what I did. I tried basically all the various dominoes games and finally won just playing against Pearson at camp doing the “all threes” variation. But man, was it a slog. FUCK DOMINOES

Yes, it’s that mission. Thanks for the reply. I’ll blast away then.

I liked that mission, it was like playing a horror movie given that you’re stuck in a dark cave that loops back on itself and cougars love to attack from behind so you’ve got to keep your head on a swivel. Plus you can’t carry the lamp and a weapon but either/or and it gets tense.

Well, you can carry the lamp and a revolver or pistol. Speaking of which, I’m gonna try it with Billy Midnight’s pistol next time.

Here’s my hint. Probably the one ‘challenge’ (or set of) worth doing are for the upgraded saddlebags - especially the last one that only unlocks when you have the others. The reason I say that is it stores a ton of crap, all of which seem to carry over into the Epilogue when the rest of your cash is gone. Thus, once you have enough money in the first 6 chapters, keep collecting all the stuff you can - just don’t sell (or post them if you’re talking card sets) until the Epilogue starts.

You can also buy those upgraded satchels once you get to the epilogue, but you can’t carry nearly the amount of valuable loot forward with you.

I’m ignoring the challenges because I just don’t care about them at all and they have no bearing of the role playing I’ve chosen for the game. I like playing poker so I accidentally won that challenge without trying, and I’m sure I’ll complete some others by accident, but I’m not going to do stuff just for some arbitrary challenge.

That said, I AM trying to get the trinkets and talismans from a fence, and the saddlebags back in camp, due to the functional reward. Gotta to get a perfect beaver, racoon, elk and panther now to complete those.

I was disappointed when I killed the Legendary Grizzly (which was a hoot: I shot him in the head with my bolt action rifle, he starts running at me, I’m firing as fast as that gun will let me while he keeps charging and filling up my scope, then my last shot, just as he reaches me, does the job and he falls at my feet.) I assumed I’d be able to use the Legendary Grizzly skin at the fence, but he doesn’t seem to have any use for it (the claw, sure, but not the skin.) I suppose the only use for it is with the Trapper, but I’m not really interested in odd looking clothing. I’ve already got the upgraded holsters, gun belt, and bandolier from the Trapper and everything else looks to be purely cosmetic.

There is a functional reward for the challenges, Huntsman challenge give you the legendary panther which gives you a trinket for dead eye. Besides that if you buy a complete set of reinforced gear it will give you a bonus level of a specific stat. For instance I just finished the survivalist challenges, lot of fishing, and when I bought the entire set of survivalist reinforced gear my dead eye level went up to 9. To get 10 I would need to also purchase the herbalist and explorer sets.

So I can’t find and kill the Legendary Panther without completing certain stages of the Huntsman challenge?

Yeah I don’t think it appears in the world until you do.

Or maybe it’s when you kill all the other legendary animals? Or both? I’m not sure.

Well dang nabbit! (in my best western accent…)