Today's random question: why is so much of politics about job count numbers?

Which is more astounding:

  1. That you wonder why politicians spend so much time talking about jobs. I’ll give you a hint, it’s because people who vote care about jobs.

  2. That you think that politicians don’t have any influence on the unemployment rate.

  3. That you think there’s not a huge army of the unemployed right now. Unemployment is topping 9 percent right now, which would have easily tipped the last election in which Obama won in a “landslide”. Underemployment when added to unemployment is topping 18 percent which is enough to tip even real landslides like local well loved mayors and such. If you throw in everyone who has been put on furlough, had a bonus or some overtime cut that adds up to pretty much everyone which is enough to cause rioting in the streets if the wages get below an affordable standard of living.

Jason your original post is approaching epic standards of thoughtlessness. I haven’t seen anything so amazingly clueless since Koontz invented amateur porn:

  1. That no one has called you on what a silly premise this post was built on to begin with by posting a simple LOL YOU SUX.

I’m personally stunned the most by number three.

Yup I double checked the date to make sure you didn’t post this in mid 07, you’re either a troll or a buffoon.