Top 10 games on home computers - Commodore 64

I got confused with all this talk about Lords of Midnight, for some reason I thought this was a pinball game I had played long ago. After a bit of research I realized I was thinking of David’s Midnight Magic, which I remember being a lot of fun but probably doesn’t hold up too well.

I am a little late, but man did we spend hours on this one in my dorm room with my freshman roommates. It seemed at least one of us was playing that game at all times.

I should work up my own list soon.

I feel you for the problems getting ACS to run. I had the same issue with Defender of the Crown. Apparently the copy protection was so intense it wouldn’t work. If I tried loading it again and again, it would load maybe 0.5% of the time.

A game that easily could’ve made my list but hasn’t been mentioned…

Lords of Conquest

I remember wasting lots of time with Hackers and Hackers 2 as well.

Lords of Conquest was febrilely and briefly mentionned when its game box came over the quiz game. I tried to look it up online then, but got only generic info (“It’s a strategy game”, whee!). What makes it so fondly remembered?

This all made me think about some great game soundtracks I remember, like The Last V8. This led me to this site where I have spent the last hour in a nostalgia haze.

Now that site is a trip. I just listened to several as well, while landing on the info below. Ken was the composer for the music of most of the Microprose titles I played and loved so well.

Now we’ll never know why this thread was bumped four months later.

Ah, you had to be there! If you knew… If you knew!!

That’s when the game finished loading from tape.

Surprised that no one has mentioned Airborne Ranger. I expect the procedural levels would hold up pretty well today.