Top 5 Spaceships in Sci-Fi History

Working your way through the Platonic solids?

What, no Planet Express ship?

No TARDIS = poll fail.

Edit: Oh yeah, and no Planet Express ship? No Red Dwarf, for that matter?

What, no Forbidden Planet spaceship (whatever that was called)?

It’s a bog-standard flying saucer. The movie may have been remarkable, but the ship was not.

Anyone remember this bad girl?

Oh please. And where had you seen this ‘bog standard’ saucer before that movie? It certainly predates your sad little puppet show spaceship.

As I said before, the poll limits you to 20 entries, and there’s clearly way, way, way more beloved ships than that.

i always liked the miranda class (reliant in star trek ii): the unsexy weak sister workhorse of the fleet.

Shitbonerz. No Valley Forge (Silent Running).

My favorite spaceships are from the Culture books. This is based on their crazy scale, and crazy names. GSV Lasting Damage. GSV Anticipation of a New Lover’s Arrival, GSV Of Course I Still Love You, GCU Unacceptable Behavior

Seriously? Okay then, is 1911 early enough for you?

Less anciently, and most notably, Forbidden Planet (1956) was predated in featuring saucer-shaped craft by The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951).

Also, you fail at ship identification. The United Galaxy Sanitation Patrol ship is not a Gerry Anderson creation.

It’s Quark’s ship from the short lived series back in the 70s. Notable for having Dorothy Stratton as a cast member.

My favorites:

  1. The Enterprise, primarily the original and upgraded designs. I also like the Enterprise C.
  2. The Millenium Falcon, an ugly bucket of bolts but an awesome ship.
  3. The Imperial Star Destroyer, menacing like no other ship before it.
  4. The SDF-1: Awesome main gun? Check. Kick-ass fighters than can become robots? Check. Aircraft carriers fitted to the main hull to land and launch said kick-ass fighters? Check.
  5. The Omega class destroyers from Babylon 5.

Runner up from my childhood: The Jupiter 2 from Lost in Space. Yeah the show sucked but I could staple two inverted paper plates together and draw the viewscreen on the front and had an instant spaceship to play around with.

GSV No More Mister Nice Guy

I’d have voted for it.

Dorothy Stratten starred in Galaxina. Quark had the Doublemint Twins.

I’d think death star is a space station and not a spaceship personally.

Why hasn’t anyone listed the NSEA Protector!? That ship drags MINES!

Enterprise – original version
Millenium Falcon

Both of these are iconic and instantly recognizable.

Yamato – Not as iconic as the above because hell, it’s just a battleship converted into a spaceship. But that’s part of what makes it so damn cool – that and the wave gun.

Cygnus from the Black Hole – In my opinion one of the single most beautiful spaceship designs made.

Other – There are a lot of ships left out from Star Wars alone that are fantastic and iconic, like the TIE fighter, X-Wing, Imperial Shuttle and Slave One. They had some fantastic art work in those films. Also, the old flying saucer design, as others have mentioned. I think the Klingon Bird of Prey and the original series’ Romulan Warbird are pretty neat.

Oh, y’know what else?

The Spathi ship from Star Control 1/2.

My choices were depressingly in-line with the majority it seems.

Givens for me of the choices offered:

The Enterprise
Millenium Falcon
Star Destroyer

My last two votes were protest votes (although I think the Serenity is an awesome character/ship in that series) because of the lack of:

Borg Cube
Klingon Bird of Prey

Although I do realize that would’ve made my final tally 2 Star Wars craft and 3 Star Trek craft, dooming me to a nebula of nerdom.