Top 5 Spaceships in Sci-Fi History

Nobody mentioned the Heart of Gold from The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy?

Well it travels through space carrying a crew. I tend to think of space stations as being stationary objects (for various definitions of ‘stationary’ vis-a-vis the universe)

Dear God - what are the odds I would forget the only ship powered by an Improbability Drive.

Hell, that must be a 1 in 7,000…PLONK

The Heart of Gold is mostly famous as a literary ship. This thread is mostly about visual design. There have been some adaptations of Hitchhikers Guide to movies/tv, but I think very few people think a lot about the Heart of Gold in terms of its appearance (even though Adams did describe its appearance very humorously).

Same for the Iain Banks Culture Ships. Fantastic ships, but not really for their visual design, and not adapted as of yet to TV or movies.

Now you’re just cheating, unless you’re going to say that every vaguely disc-shaped spaceship follows the same design.

All right, I’ll cop to that one. Looks just like one of those doodads that those puppets were always rescuing people with.

It’s more like a small moon.

That’s no moon.

  1. Enterprise- Original and C both are icons.
  2. Star Destroyers- The ships that to me most convey a naval sense in space.
  3. Millennium Falcon- They’re coming in too fast!
  4. Serenity- probably a sentimental favorite but it sticks with me.
  5. Alien Mothership from Close Encounters- That sequence of notes, still so evocative.

The Event Horizon. It kinda looked like it was made in a 19th century English factory and ran on steam power. Also it took you to hell.

The crazy asymmetrical design of the B-Wing has always made it my favorite Rebel fighter.

And a man who was actually a plant, named Ficus.

My favorite rebel fighter as well, mostly because it was a flying arsenal. :)

But… it’s almost perfectly symmetrical.

It’s on it’s side! It’s on it’s side, in SPACE! You’d never catch the Enterprise doing that. Starfleet knows how to keep upright in space!

Oops, that’s right, my bad. What can I say, I was 11 when the show aired…

Now I want there to be a new Rouge Squadron. And does anybody else think that those games shoulda been based on the last level of Shadows of the Empire, not the first?

Rouge Squadron- why go into battle without a little makeup?

I’ve always been fond of the USS Saratoga from Space: Above and Beyond.

Enterprise E
Super Star Destroyer
Red Dwarf


Enterprise (The Motion Picture version)
Tie Bombers

The Enterpise from the original motion picture. Its introduction is the best spaceship porn ever.
The new Galactica. First, it is capable as hell. A battleship in the original sense of the word. Second, because from some angles it looks awesomely aggressive. Sort of like a pit-bull, hunched over, ready to attack.
The Millennium Falcon, because it’s the damn Millennium Falcon.
The Star Destroyer. Because that overhead pass remains still one of the coolest scenes ever put to film.
The SDF-1. Because in addition to being a teleporting space carrier, it can turn into a huge ass robot that can slap the shit out of other spaceships.

And as for the subtopic, it has to be the atmospheric drop in BSG. The rest of the series could consist of scenes of Katee Sackhoff brushing Ron Moore’s hair and it would still rank among the best sci-fi series ever.