Top Spin, looking good

A tennis game that plays as good as VT with online play. Sign me up.

A winner is you!

What a crazy first paragraph. Is UGO resorting to child labor now? Was this written by a third-grader?

You know, I have said it before, and I will say it again. I have got to hand it to Microsoft Game Studios. Here’s a company trying to make it in the sports arena. And they are seemingly getting overlooked at least in the Football department. But the rest of the games are coming, starting with really the first Tennis game for the Xbox, and the best console Tennis games ever made. Well, at least since Sega Sports brought us Virtua Tennis. No, I’m thinking Top Spin is as good as or better than Virtua Tennis, with a very very minor exception that I’ll tell you about later. Top Spin hits the store shelves on October 28th, but that doesn’t mean we can’t start showing this game off to you. So today, we’re going to give you the scoop behind Microsoft Game Studios and apparent newcomer Power and Magic Development’s brand new Tennis game, Top Spin.

As enjoyable as a Wagner James Au/Jonah Falcon double-bill.


That paragraph reads like something discovered by literary scholars as having been written by a 6-year-old Ernest Hemingway…

I’m rubbing my forehead now and wincing, because I couldn’t refrain from punching myself in the face for reading that. Thanks, Mark.

When I look back on some of the Flight Sim “Therapies” I wrote for UGO a few years back, my writing was as equally bad…like this sentence.

So it’s obviously UGO’s fault, not mine.

Big VT freak here…but mostly because of how simple it was. Do you think I’d still enjoy topspin?