Total War: Warhammer 2

Let me add to your temptation, with my screenshot-story of Vera the Bow Princess.

I’m in the early late game, playing as High Elves - Tyrion. I fire up the third to last ritual. I’ve got 3 Lord-stacks scattered about likely paths for the ritual attack forces. However, one of my ritual cities doesn’t have walls b/c I thought it was safely away from the path of attack. The good news is, my newly upgraded stack led by Vera the Bow Princess happens to be near the target city However, I forgot to take into account the intervention forces, which can be tougher than you might expect. After I end turn, I get hit by a Dark Elf Intervention led by a level 19 hero riding a Black Dragon. This intervention is pretty much A Stack quality with Black Guard of Naggarond and a mix of good quality troops. Vera has a pretty good A Stack and manages to hold off the Dark Elves with a Close Victory.

Immediately after that, I get hit by a Skaven Intervention, led by a level 19 Rat Lord dude on one of those palanquin-of-death thingies. Vera’s army is not at full strength, but if I retreat her, the Skaven will bust my unwalled ritual city and stop my ritual. So I commit Vera’s army to the fight:

Things start off pretty well, with my ranged units picking off a healthy chunk of the rats on the way to engage. However, I did not take into account the rat artillery and start taking damage from a couple of Plague Catapults. At that moment, Morlocke the Gray Seer rolls up and starts buffing the rats up and weakening my troops:

To be continued…