Tribes Ascend video

Okay so I have it pre-loaded. Apparently you can get in, look at all the perks and classes, and can even play SP offline on the maps.

I’m saying this with a BIG GIANT CAVEAT because I’m playing maps by myself, but it sure looks like I remember Tribes. Jetpacking and skiing around, the maps look pretty big, etc.

Anyway, I’m off for about an hour but if anyone on the fence has questions about what classes or perks are available, or anything else that I can look up in the game, let me know and I’ll report back a little later.

Also, it appears that there are credits in the game, which are separate from the “gold” you buy? It looks more like how I understand Counterstrike to work (note: haven’t played it, just what I’ve heard so my understanding may be off). Killing people and doing things earns me credits, I can then use credits to purchase vehicles on a map or call in supply drops and such? I kind of like that. There’s some perks that will grant me extra credits for killing people and the like.

One of the perks I like the sound of that would greatly assist me in Battlefield 3 is called ‘Determination’ I believe. It grants me extra HP whenever I die without being able to do anything (like kill another player, do an objective). It’d help with those death-spawn-death cycles I get into sometimes in BF3. :)

After how HiRez handled Global Agenda, cancelling the expansion and ignoring the community’s feedback on some of the major gameplay changes they asked us to provide feedback for on the Public Test Realm, I’m giving this a pass for at least the first 6 months to see if they handle things better. It didn’t help that players with level 50 characters in GA were told they’d get priority treatment for the Alpha, and the first I hear about testing is HiRez asking for a preorder to guarantee a spot in the closed beta.

Thanks for the customer loyalty HiRez!

I take it the invites have already gone out?

Managed to get my preorder to go through, not sure why it was acting up yesterday. Suffice to say, this game quickly took me right back to my first few moments in the original Tribes.

Oh yea, this is definitely some vintage Tribes. I’m just gonna hug my spinfusor for a while, I missed it so.

I’m a little overwhelmed by the number of classes to pick. I’m going to miss the custom loadouts mid match. A bunch of stuff to learn, which is hard to do when I only have the 2 default classes!

Is there anyway to dick around in an offline mode? I just got home and installed it but the server is listed as busy. Was this just a 1 day event?

Servers are up, and there’s a game type called “Training” that lets you play around solo on maps.

You can change class mid match, just hit escape to pull up the menu and choose a different class. I was able to do so while waiting to respawn.

No wonder I can’t logon. The damn High-Command launcher keeps downloading the game for some reason. It will download the client, verify the files, and then do nothing. I close the launcher and upon restarting it the client is downloading again.

edit: Disabling NOD32 seemed to fix it.

I saw some bad-looking performance in some youtube vids… Of course you can never tell what’s fraps- or video-related etc. Anyone have a guestimate on sys-reqs? The link on the beta page is broken.

I am running a Core2Quad, Q9450 @2.66 GHZ, 4 GB RAM and an nVidia GeForce GTX 280 1GB.

I am playing the game at 1680x1050, high details and the game is running smooth as butter in 16 vs 16 matches. I have only had a few times where my character seemed to lag for a second and then warped to a different spot, but not seeing any graphical slowdowns.

Yeah the performance has been solid for me too. (Q6600, 6GB RAM, Radeon 5850)

wow, weird. For me it runs pretty slowly on my Q9550, 8GB ram, and 6850. Wonder why? I tried it at 1920x1200 at the highest settings, and even trying a few steps down from highest, and I barely get over 30-40fps. There’s also a bit of mouse lag in there (smoothing is turned off)

I thought the problem was that they seemed to be forcing anti-aliasing to be on at a very high level with no way to turn it off, but I can’t quite tell…

Maybe you’re seeing network lag that manifests as game performance issues?

nah, I get roughly comparable frame rates as Battlefield 3 in this game, but the visuals don’t come close to matching Battlefield 3’s (of course), and there is definitely response lag coming from my mouse.

If you guys are getting perfectly smooth performance, I’ll chalk it up to some beta-related bugs for now.

Not seen any lag at all, I just totally forgot how to play lol. Cant hit shit for anything, so I just kept being a Tech, got a few kills with turrets, but holy shit can some people just zip around like its nothing.

The new implementation of skiing is awesome. It basically is a “turn off mouse directed movement” toggle. So you can keep your direction and inertia going while turning to shoot. It allows you to do cool things like travel backwards while shooting at guys.

I’m an idiot, turns out AA was enabled in my drivers after all…

Turning it off - no more mouse lag. Woo!

Can someone explain to me how class-specific unlocks work? When I leveled-up a class, it said that I could unlock a new skill, but I could do that anyway since I had previously already earned enough XP to unlock a skill. How does this work?

Each class has it’s own unique skill tree, as you gain EXP you can pick skills from the tree.

You also have a perk system. I notice that SOME class skill trees contain unlocks for new Perks. I’m guessing there’s other ways to unlock these, maybe through your rank level? Haven’t gotten far enough along to figure it all yet.