Trump Fires FBI Director Comey

Your expectations and your demands of our representatives are so low that to get any lower you’d be in the sea. You think the only thing McCain can do now is talk… really? He doesn’t vote anymore? He just gets in front of mic says one thing and then votes another. Well that’s bullshit. I am not lowering my bar so our reps can bullshit on television and in interview and then do whatever the hell they want when it counts. That’s not an R or D demand, it’s as stand by the supposed convictions you keep spouting demand.

When push comes to shove, McCain backs his party, and it doesn’t matter if that means delivering the American people a burning pile of shit in a bucket. He’s going to hoist that down anyway, and he’s been doing that for years.

And by the way, what is it you think the American people deserve exactly?

Yeah, well, Death Valley is below sea level, and that’s still part of the USA, so your point is moot.

Yep that’s my point. Nothing gets by you.

I would not be in the least be surprised should trump fire Mueller. And for Republicans to act with a collective shrug.
But here’s a twitter thread (thanks @wavey!) from Josh Marshall on one of trump’s lawyers:

People are talking about Trump lawyers refusal to rule out firing special counsel. The bigger news in that interview was the lawyer himself.
2/ Jay Sekulow, now identified as a member of Trumps personal legal team has as far as I know no experience as a criminal lawyer.
3/ He is a high profile conservative legal activist who has spent 25 yrs leading a group dedicated to making law in favor of religious …
4/ conservatives looking for exemptions from state and federal laws. Sekulow is a player in conservative judicial circles. He’s also a …
5/ high profile commentator on Fox and other right wing outlets. If you were looking for top lawyers to defend you in legal proceedings …
6/ or to make constitutional arguments abt legal privileges of the presidency there’s very little reason to think you’d ever pick Sekulow.
7/ It’s just not what he does or has ever done. You’d pick Sekulow if you were picking politicals you’d met in he evangelical political …
8/ world or people with a lot of experience going on tv and talking to conservatives. It seems like of a piece with Trumps lead lawyer …
9/ whose experience is as a general purpose bulldog lawyer for Trump in his business lawsuits. Trump does not appear to be hiring any …
10 lawyers with experience in this kind of situation. Again, Sekulow isn’t even a criminal atty.

(here’s the link for the start of the thread for any interested)

Give me some specific example of votes that McCain should have taken to stop Trump. You can’t say he should have voted against cabinet official because they are too conservative for me. But for instance, if the information about Session meeting with Russian was known before the confirmation hearing and McCain had voted for him anyhow, that would have been a valid reason to criticize McCain.

What legislation should he have opposed that benefited Trump?
I’ll give you an example of a vote where McCain opposed Trump and the right thing. Trade Representative Robert Lightizer is a protectionist and favors things like tariffs. Traditionally, Republican are free traders so McCain voted against him along with two other Republican and 11 Democrats. Unfortunately, 34 Democrats for him and he was confirmed 82-14.

The American people deserve Trump, they elected him.

How about the Secretary of Education who looked like an idiot during her confirmation hearing because she didn’t know the first thing about institutional education and Pence had to come vote to break the tie?

He couldn’t vote against her - it was too close and she might not have been confirmed. It was ok to vote against the ones who had no chance of actually being denied.

I mean, yea. That’s why he could’ve actually done it to stop Trump instead of some token meaningless vote on an 82-14 decision so McCain can say “See! Still a maverick!”

Lol Buck Sexton has to be a fake account. Look at that face! Come on he’s like a caricature of Insufferable Conservative White Guy.

Let’s try not to memory-hole the fact that no, they didn’t.

Yes they did, based on how our system of government works.

They could have gotten out and voted for Clinton, and they didn’t, out of stupidity or laziness or whatever.

The majority voted against him and a large segment didn’t vote due to eligibility, apathy or suppression (depending on the individual). That said, we’ve long supported this form of government and haven’t had the groundswell of support needed to uproot the EC system. By extension, we’re reaping what we’ve sown.

One month difference.

They aren’t even trying to hide the hypocrisy now. Sad.Low energy.

You’re looking for something like this?

Look at his comparison to Bush and it’s about the same. This is not a maverick no matter how many times he claims to bee one. The man is 80 and just won his re-election, and even then… he’s only willing to criticize which equates to be about as valuable as Trump telling the truth which usually turns out to just be another lie.

Yeah, that shit was embarrassing.

I’m pretty sure 25 years of anti-Hillary hate propaganda from the right had an influence as well.

Edit: especially as it was an election cycle driven by manufactured hate.

Wel.l then how would you explain McCain’s vote against the OMB director? He was confirmed on a party-line vote of 51-49. If two other Republicans had joined him, his nomination would have failed.

As for Betty DeVoss, yes she had a bad confirmation hearing. However, David Brooks a moderate Republican and strong anti-Trump said that DeVoss has appeared at Republican/Conservative events for years and came across as knowledgeable and intelligent. Brooks would have confirmed DeVoss. Regardless Trump damage to the country hardly lives or dies on the secretary of education.