Trump Fires FBI Director Comey

Right. Are you saying that you can’t catch people breaching a digital system because you certainly can. Some of these cases of people not catching it for years has been no one was actually looking like they should. Going to a digital system is not going to be a 100% secure, but it’s not 100% secure now. I don’t know how they caught her dumping bins full of ballots but that sort of thing could be missed too. you know like how some postal workers did that for years.

How easy is it (I really don’t know) to catch someone who has created voter fraud electronically? And understand that finding out several years later is really not very helpful, as I can’t imagine a new vote being called then.

Also, I guess my point is most voter fraud involves one stupid person doing something incredibly stupid on a small scale.

I honestly don’t know. Security is not my area, but I remember a former co-worker showed me a list of attacks trying to get into our system. It was kind of surreal… but obviously it is actively being looked at. It sounds like no one even bother to look at some of these. It’s the plus and minus of a decentralized system… then again, we don’t vote every day so maybe they can actively monitor it over a short period of time and then close it.

Well you would likely not hear about any cases where no one is caught.

Some of the electronic voting machines are as easy to hack as: Pick the physical lock on the box, replace the SD card in the machine with your own SD card. Done. No way to trace it, no way to know that it was done.

Well, except that you have things like security tape indicating that the panel was opened.

You could also do things like track the specific SD cards by serial number, and could then know if one had been replaced.

Yeah, like I said, you can make totally secure voting machines. It’s just that the voting machines that got made are not even close. If one were conspiratorially minded, one could wonder why that is.

Honestly, I think it’s largely because it’s all handled by local municipalities, and the people doing it really don’t understand any of this stuff.

Nor do they have the money for it.

Let’s say a perfectly secure machine costs 50 grand. Even a small town of a thousand people needs like 6 of the things.

So from a financial angle, you can have fast and efficient or secure. But not both.

If you don’t care about accuracy than sure. The problem is no paper ballot system provides an unambiguous binary choice, where it is clear you voted for candidate X and not Y.

So what’s more important the security of a paper trial, or expressing the will of the voter with certainty?

Hanging chads anyone?

What’s your problem with guys named Chad?

I used to work as a software engineer making slot machines, and it was stunning how many hoops we had to jump through versus voting machines.

This is an old graphic (2005ish maybe?) but it was quite popular in our office.

Fuck it, let’s use slot machines to vote. The result could hardly be worse than the last election.

I’ll second that. That’s a great graphic also.

Well, the other thing that made the tape thing absurd was this: If there were secret tapes, that in and of itself could poses legal problems for Trump, regardless of what was said on them. If there was something on the hypothetical tapes that contradicted Comey, he would have released them anyway and we all could have had an argument about the propriety/legality of said tapes existence. Given that most people assume Comey is telling the truth and Trump is lying as always, however, even if such tapes existed, they would only provide hard evidence of obstruction. So, evenif the tapes did exist, does anyone think that, given several weeks to review their contents, the White House would ever admit to their existence?

Whether or not there actually were tapes, there were never going to be tapes.

But if there never were any tapes, it still contributes toward an obstruction charge, IMO. It was a clear attempt to intimidate a witness. The fact that Comey wasn’t intimidated is irrelevant.

My new thread conspiracy theory of the week

Trump is the diety level boss for defense lawyers looking for a really challenging client to defend.

Pfft, of course there were tapes. He needed all this time to ensure he rounded them up and had them disposed of.