Trump Fires FBI Director Comey

Christ is this Administration a shitshow. If my dad hadn’t passed a little over a year ago from old-age medical problems, just living with this idiot as President day to day would have done him in.

Fox has now retracted its report on the Hill story.

I would expect the approvals he sends requesting permission to publish minor details from his FBI time to get a big, fat, NO from anyone currently under Trumps thumb.

But good for Comey, nonetheless.

Eh – from my experience, the people who review those requests are career bureaucrats who aren’t going to bend to Trump unless Trump finds them and gives them an explicit order not to release it. If they’re Comey fans, I expect they’ll approve more than you think. If not, they’ll just rubber stamp stuff in the same way they always have.

Fucking Deep State.

Let’s hope this, as it will be a more enjoyable read.


Preet Bharara starts a podcast.