Trump/Russia 2016 election investigation (continued, now with Ukraine!)

I have no idea which one that is, because “bizarre” and “Trump” are like peanut butter and jelly.

Ha! Fair enough.

It was this one.

That was a big one, when even folks on the right were castigating him for putting Russian interests over those of our democratic allies and believing Putin over our own intelligence services.

Then something shiny came along and everyone was like “look over there!”

No collusion!

I await Trump saying the government has never been more stable, the most stable, as the shutdown drags on another week.

Trump is intimidating a witness, on national TV.
(That’s a felony, even if it’s not televised.)

Trump thinks he is Michael, and Cohen is Fredo.

Problem is that trying to act like a cool mob boss makes you look like… a mob boss

And is illegal.

Misrepresenting and sensationalizing the Mueller investigation helps no one but Trump. If you take that headline literally, Bernstein has advance knowledge of the report and the report nakes a very contentious argument that Bernstein repeats without offering evidence. That just undermines Mueller.

Just remember one sad thing: no matter what that report says, the Senate will not put Trump on trial. It will never happen. Even if the report unambiguously says that Trump collided with Russia and suggests an indictment.

One thing the shutdown has made clear to me is that there is no wiggle room between Trump and McConnell.

It may make the 2020 election more favorable for Dems, but Trump is not leaving that office one day early.

But he didn’t know the dude’s name, so is it really? Dumbest timeline…

@Woolen_Horde read that earlier, but I wonder where Bernstein got the info, given how well they have kept info from leaking,

Yeah.A natural consequence of putting ideology above country.

Congress has the power to impeach but, if the President is indited for crimes, is that still there jurisdiction or is it a strictly criminal proceeding at that point?

I don’t think anyone knows what happens then.

Impeachment is not a judicial process, it’s a political process. It is entirely independent of any criminal proceedings. Congress can impeach Trump for anything or nothing at all, but they probably won’t. The DOJ can indict Trump whatever Congress does, but because it is long-time DOJ policy that a sitting President can’t be indicted, they won’t.

More stuff coming to light with the Democrats in charge of the house. This tells me more about how ignorant Nunes was and how much he ran interference.

That article also tells us that Trump’s twitter rage about the NYT article was just play-acting. If the House committee heard about the counter-intel probe in testimony last year, you can be sure it wasn’t new news to Trump yesterday.

It’s basically treason all the way down.

I suspect that a number of GOP senators/congresspeople are worried that Trump getting impeached is going to result in them going down as well, at this point. It seems pretty clear that members of the GOP have been complicit in covering for Trump. Wonder what (if anything) Mueller’s report will say about that.

I think the Russians have a pile of emails and other materials from the RNC as well, and they’re keeping it as blackmail to force these fuckers to protect Trump.

Graham did a 180 almost overnight, wtf did they hold over him? McConnell is likely crooked as well. Thing is, I don’t know what their endgame is. If they don’t go full-facist, they’re going to lose power eventually and have to face consequences.