Trump Spells “Infidelity” with Two Ds

And now the Novartis payment comes into view. They paid $400,000 to Essential, and their incoming CEO got a meeting with Trump at Davos for it.

Unless Cohen has the goods on Trump, he’s going to burn for sure now.

I’d say odds of a Cohen flip just skyrocketed.

Well it seems that while Trump had sex with porn star(s), in the end he’s the one getting fucked.

This has gone from curious and unsubstantiated to ‘holy shit’ in a hurry.

I mean, wow.

This thing is moving with rocket speed.

What I want to know is when Avenatti is going to hold a viewing of the pee tape for the press.

I have tended to take all of Avenatti’s wilder statements with a hand-wave and grain of salt, but my goodness.

Oh, and by the way if it’s strictly pay for play by US interests…that’s now legal, thanks to a recent SCOTUS decision.

Wasn’t legal before that. Was a felony.

GOP still control both houses. Nothing matters. I’m just getting worn out by all the bombshells that he’s survived so far.

Somewhere there’s a drive time radio show looking for this lazy take.

People were focusing on the AT&T payments to Essential Consultants with regard to the AT&T attempted takeover/merger with Time Warner. But the DOJ sued to block that.

More interesting: the AT&T payments were made monthly up to and including the month in which the FCC repealed net neutrality…and then stopped.

(Context: Columbus-Nova is the US-based capital corp owned by Viktor Vekselberg.)

In other words: Yep. We did that.

We are just seeemple Americanski company. We are seeemply doink business!

When is Avenatti going to start investigating her emails? I mean, seriously, he needs to look into that.