Truthers Vindicated

That did not happen. And Van Jones is not also not a scientist, but an activist and advocate. People dedicated to ensuring Obama fails - who I previously described as the “self-hating Americans” - ruined his governmental career (he’ll be back making a difference in the non-profit sector soon), he did not. And he doesn’t hold those views anymore.

He’s the best possible candidate for the job, which to the non-Libertarian-concerned-progressive is a position as desperately needed in the administration. It’s also still a fucking red herring/straw man, which is a form of argument I don’t have much respect for.

If you think he is a scientist, maybe you need to Google. I have been familiar with him for four or five years, and quite respect the man.

Right. He didn’t have anything to do with it. They just made all that shit up.

And your evidence is that he said as much when it was politically expedient?

He’s the best candidate in Obama’s eyes too, until his true views are exposed in which case he becomes a liability.

Communist. Truther. Cop-killer supporter.

I can’t understand why this guy would draw any support.

Doesn’t make any sense to me. Anecdotally speaking, non-self-hating people are usually on the right, content with their lot in life whatever their income and social status, have no interest in interfering with others, and are very interested in making sure that others cannot interfere with them. If advocating personal responsibility and failing to try to make other people solve one’s own problems makes somebody a “wrecker” I guess it’s at least internally consistent.

Haha! Good one!

The right is all about imposing it’s values on everyone.

There is a guy on another forum I sometimes read who was driving past the pentagon when the plane was coming in and had the presence of mind to take a couple of pictures. He put the pictures up on his website before scrubbing the domain registry of his contact information. He still gets hate calls at 2 am by Truthers calling him a government pawn.

That’s … almost expected, but still saddening.

If he didn’t have the presence of mind to realize what kind of liability he was accepting when he put his name on Truther material, then it’s unlikely he’d be effective in cabinet.

— That he’s an avowed communist
— That he believes we need a “whole new system”
— No apology for his campaign to free communist cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal
— Not a word from Van Jones about being a member of the revolutionary, communist group, STORM
— He has not apologized for his radical past as a black nationalist


Soooo… because Blen Gleck has said it, it means it isn’t true?

Also I don’t remember where I said he was a scientist… But I would imagine if you’re the ‘green job czar’, you’d probably want to be taken seriously by scientists.

Yeah, pretty much!

No, not really!

This isn’t rocket science.

You can not have a guy in an Administration who is on record alleging the CIA and FBI was involved in 9/11.

Or that it doesn’t mean shit. And are fucking red herrings/straw men to a “green jobs czar.” And I wasn’t aware that communists wrote books about protecting the free-market from stagflation, though I admit I haven’t kept up with the diurnal oscillations of the neo-John Birch gangbang to undermine America. And two other people who signed that petition says they were misled as to its contents, and a person’s opinion can change.

I apologize for forgetting you were the foremost authority on the occurrences in the American environmental science community.

Anyways, if the Obama backs down this easily on defending a progressive, I worry about what’s in store for healthcare.

Honestly, doesn’t it seem like that Glenn Beck should be a truther with all his crazy conspiracy stuff?

No, but you will always have people ready to defend every mistake of this administration, no matter how obviously boneheaded.

Don’t make the ignorant mistake of thinking “the left” isn’t doing the same.

The guy really isn’t worth defending this much.

Of course they are. But he only had to counter the ridiculous claim that the right is NOT about that.

We only want to kill your babies, and your grandma. Otherwise we stay out of your private lives.

Oh, and since this is the conspiracy nut thread:

Keith Olbermann wants everything people can find on Glenn Beck.

Anecdotally speaking, non-self-hating people … have no interest in interfering with others

also: 6