Tucker Carlson: I commited a hate crime!

This is really fucked up.

In this clip, beloved pundit Tucker Carlson proves how totally 100% not gay he is by telling a charming story about how he and his fellow not-gay friend bashed some fag’s head against a bathroom stall.

Assuming that’s what the guy was arrested for, I wasn’t aware you could commit a ‘hate crime’ against a pedophile.

Where did pedophilia enter in to this?

I think Anti-Bunny is conflating Carlson’s complaints about the bathrooms at public parks where his kids play and this story, which is about Carlson’s college days.


Carlson got a buddy and attacked someone that inappropriately approached him in a bathroom. That’s assault, but a hate crime? Depending on how inappropriate the approach was, calling the police would be in order, but not the attack. However, it wasn’t like Carlson was out hunting homosexuals.

CARLSON: I have. I’ve been bothered in Georgetown Park. When I was in high school.

ABRAMS: Really?




ABRAMS: Tucker, what did you do, by the way? What did you do when he did that? We got to know.

CARLSON: I went back with someone I knew and grabbed the guy by the – you know, and grabbed him, and – and –

ABRAMS: And did what?

CARLSON: Hit him against the stall with his head, actually!


CARLSON: And then the cops came and arrested him. But let me say that I’m the least anti-gay right-winger you’ll ever meet –


CARLSON: – but I do think doing this in men’s rooms appears to be common. It’s totally wrong, and they should knock it off. I mean that. I think it’s – I can’t bring my son to the men’s room at the park where he plays soccer because of all these creepy guys hanging around in there. I actually think it’s a problem. I’m sorry.

Not college, from the looks of it.

I missed the “high school” part from the oral recording. I heard Georgetown and lost the rest.


Ah, I just rewatched it. You didn’t miss anything, they left that off.

Still sounds like a hate crime to me if he got propositioned by a gay in high school and responded by getting a friend and going back to lash out with some violence.

Would it be a hate crime if a woman was felt up by a man in a public place, got away, came back with her boyfriend who proceeded to beat the shit out of the guy?

So are people here actually taking the concept of a hate crime as a unique category of crime worthy and deserving of punishment beyond regular crime or is that just being used as tongue in cheek nomenclature for the purposes of this awesome story?

Because I find that more surprising than some teenagers overreacting at some guy who hit on one of them in a freaking public bathroom. Also, the real shocker in this story is that anyone was able to get their ass kicked by Tucker Carlson and his gang of thugs in bowties.

I dislike the whole “hate crime” meme because I find it distorts and obfuscates the most important part: That it’s a crime, period.

Notice how we’re all stuck on arguing about whether or not his actions constitute a hate crime or not instead of looking at the fact that he was hit on and proceeded to commit assault on that person. I fail to see how the person he assaulted should’ve been the one who got arrested.

While the transcript says he was in high school, he could have been 16, 17, or 18 at the time for all we know, ages which are certainly consensual in most states, so the guy he beat the shit out of isn’t a pederast if this is the case.

If anything, this makes him look like an even bigger homophobe than he realizes. It’s sad.

This sounds like a good opportunity to resurrect my Who thinks Hate Crime legislation is stupid and evil? thread. The results were mostly predictable, though I was surprised at the number of libertarians who said “no”.

"While the transcript says he was in high school, he could have been 16, 17, or 18 at the time for all we know, ages which are certainly consensual in most states, so the guy he beat the shit out of isn’t a pederast if this is the case.

If anything, this makes him look like an even bigger homophobe than he realizes. It’s sad."

I don’t know. Being propositioned by an older guy when your 15 or 16, especially in a restroom is a pretty jarring experience.


“I don’t know. Being propositioned by an older guy when your 15 or 16, especially in a restroom is a pretty jarring experience, if you’re homophobic.”

Dude get over yourself. You do realize that most men are rather exposed in a men’s restroom? If someone checks you out and then propositions you, that’s a rather jarring experience. It has nothign to do with homophobia. If a guy did that to a woman, he’d be a pervert and arrested.

some perspective please.

It still might be a crime, but going and beating the shit out of the person is just as much of, if not more of a crime. It’s the police who are supposed to handle this kind of thing, not roaming gangs of vigilante teenagers.

Naw I think its just to reiterate that Tucker Carlson is a dick.

Hate crime? Maybe…would Tuck-tuck have rounded up his lads (Skipper, Chip et al) and gone back looking for the guy if he wasn’t gay? (An older woman for instance). I think not but,
Hatecrime legislation is reduntant if anything, big bad brave Tucker tried to reclaim his masculinity by committing assault. Why he did it is beside the point (IMHO).

What if it was a black woman? And a black boyfriend beating up a white feeler-upper, but the feeler-upper was actually Jewish?