U.S. implodes soccer/football with FIFA arrests

He was probably smart enough to realize he’s going be indicted himself at some point when his underlings start to talk to try and save their own skin.

I agree. How likely is it that such widespread, massive corruption left the perennial head of the organization untouched?

Honestly, I’m looking for a change in career.

Full disclosure: I’m pretty hard up for money, so I’d definitely be willing to take some bribes. How important to ya is it to have a Boston-area World Cup, say, next year?

Agreed, though it isn’t so much the NCAA which made it that way. It was actually when the big football schools broke away from the NCAA to form the CFA that broke up in the early 90’s that the death knell began to toll. The NCAA has one big money generator and it’s the NCAA basketball tourney (the other tourneys do ok). The rest belongs to the conferences and schools, for the most part. Yet they are expected to be the regulation and enforcement arm for all sports without enough power to do that well.

As to the students and money for their services. I am 100% against anything over the cost of attendance. If you want to be a paid professional athlete, go out and find a market for yourself. If you want to be a student, be a student.

How’s $5 to keep both the World Cup and the Olympics far far away from here?

I’ll get right on it.

This is the funniest thing I’ve read all day.

John Oliver just tweeted a picture of a beer bucket of Bud Lite Lime with one word: “Champagne”.

What a coincidence. I am 100% against paying coaches more than English professors. If you want to be a professional coach, go out and find a market for yourself. If you want to be a teacher, be a teacher.

I am also 100% against charging more for spectating a college basketball game than spectating a fencing match. If you want to make bank from tickets, merchandise, and broadcast rights, go out and form a professional league. If you want to find an audience for your students, find an audience for your students.

If you don’t have a major revenue stream, then you don’t need to worry about whether student athletes are underpaid.


Plenty of people earn money–even good money–teaching, being a student, giving lectures. Why not allow the market to choose the pay scale the way it has? If people want to watch a school football game and are willing to pay a lot of money to do that, why should the school not charge them an amount of money that matches the demand for that?

I was being a little facetious.

Universities can accept that they are de facto minor leagues, and therefore pay their players. Or they can decide they want to be true amateur leagues, in which case there shouldn’t be any commercialism at all. But they can’t have it both ways.

Then let the NBA be open entry to 18 and above.

NYT reporting that Blatter had come under investigation. Bwahahahahahhaha

It also costs a lot more to put on a college football game than it does for fencing.

As to the money for coaches - that’s a very different thing from the students. I favor not paying coaches more than the highest paid faculty members, but I also recognize the intricate role they have in fundraising and branding etc.

As an example, one of the greatest coaches of all time, John Wooden, never made more than $40k/year and he preferred it that way.

Hell, I’m a college professor, and though my school doesn’t have varsity sports (ditched 'em years ago for a variety of reasons), I don’t have a problem with football or basketball coaches, say, getting paid a lot more than I am. They probably have a much, much harder job to be fair. After all, my job consists of intellectually engaging with material I chose to engage with, more or less, and interact with other people who are engaging (willingly or unwillingly!) with it as well. Coaches…sheesh, some of the stuff they have to do…

A better entry point into the questions around collegiate athletics and money is the question of priorities, and institutional focus perhaps.

I would love it, but the NBA doesn’t want to for financial reasons. Hence my support for redshirting all basketball freshmen and not allowing them to play basketball during their freshman year.

Yes there can be. Universities sell t-shirts too, even without athletic department connections. Plus people like to donate to Universities, funding scholarships, faculty positions, infrastructure, etc. University Professors also get Grant monies for research, etc. All with nothing to do with athletics.

They also have music programs and theater programs who charge for their performances, generally to make up for the cost of putting on such a performance. That cost is (generally) much higher in athletics, regardless of profitability.

It doesn’t have to cost a lot more. Anyone can put on a football game if they aren’t trying to make a huge profit. Drop by your local high school and ask them how it’s done.

It’s nice to see such an entrepreneurial spirit! It’s true, professors get grant money and even form private companies.

You might also have pointed out that students get money from various jobs, too. Even jobs within the university itself.

So if everyone in academia gets to wheel and deal to make a buck on the side, why exclude the student athletes? Are they supposed to be the only suckers on campus?

Steady on there! I mean you have made nearly all british football fans happy, but we are not europe (or the rest of the world). We are just a tiny little island thing that started the beautiful game and the industrial revolution, and you had to fight us for your freedom!

I think Sepp decided to step down because he is old, and getting more tired due to that. If he was 20 years younger i think he would have stuck around after his re-election. And in all seriousness his resigning will have very little effect on the corruption in football on the global scale. Heck Asia has a huge gambling economy based on corruption, in all sports not just ‘foseball’. Cycling, Cricket, Boxing, Swimming. Pretty much all sport can be corrupted when huge sums of money is involved. A bit like our Political systems really.

Maybe England can just ban Football again, like they have in the past. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attempts_to_ban_football_games