Udio - Ai Music Generation by ex deepmind devs

So I heard about this new website from the All in podcast that was made from ex google deepmind devs. Apparently they were annoyed at how hard it was to launch products from within google’s ai teams so left to found their own company.

Why you care: You can type in lyrics and specify the musical style etc., and it generates BANGERS. I’m not kidding, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Anyway, it’s free (for now) and I don’t think it’s really blown up yet, but I’m expecting it will.

The website is https://www.udio.com/

(i am not associated with them in any way ).

About the ongoing debates with ai ethics, well, I don’t know what their policies are. I’m sure they used real artists to train the music, but if you specify to use a specfic artist it will be replaced with a more generic one in the same kind of style. So at least they’re not deep faking voices.

I don’t think this is the same company, but you can certainly produce absolutely amazing stuff.


Yeah that one is https://suno.com/
I didn’t know about it but I did see it mentioned in some lyrics amusingly.

I made a power metal song about ai machine gods and humanity, i actually like it but maybe that’s just me being biased

That’s pretty cool! I’ll have to give it a spin.

I’ve been messing with Suno. It’s impressive but it does some puzzling things with lyrical and melodic phrasing. It really like to add an extra line in the verse which sometimes make it feel off. I mean it’s still really interesting.

Here are a couple that came out pretty good:
An upbeat ska song about a cat named Percy who pretends to be brave but is really scared.

It’s doesn’t really hit the ska genre very well, but it’s interesting.

A spooky pop song about playing Call of Cthulhu with friends while drinking beer and eating pizza rolls.

I sent this to my tabletop group.

The instruments don’t sound right, but that lyric generation is so much fun. Lyrics are often dadaesque nonsense anyway.

The song I posted above was made in udio. I tried making the same song in suno and it came out atrocious.

Yeah. I gave Udio a spin. I think the vocalizations in Uido are much better than Suno. I like that Suno offers 2 versus and a chorus right away.

It seems like both have an “extend” feature to make the tracks longer. I’m currently trying to make my “Percy” song a little more complete by rewriting the lyrics a bit, adjusting the structure, etc.

Damn. I’m impressed. Take a listen to a country song, “San Francisco Turned Me Gay” for a good song and laugh.

Suno was a fun toy, but this thing… Writing lyrics and hearing it performed like this. I really worry that I will start listening to these in my spare time and it will crowd out actual music.

Scary stuff but also amazing.

Took that, changed ska to symphonic metal, spit out something that is pretty decent. Changed it again to power metal, also decent.


Some dude has been using AI to generate music that is really catchy, while having absolute hilariously obscene lyrics.

This song, for instance, sounds good… but the lyrics are insane.

What, like 50’s classics?

How dare you steal my AI Generated song!!