Undershirts for Human People (that are interesting)

Ive often had phones last for less than the stated battery life. My suspicion is that going in and out of the subway tends to be killer because it gets just enough reception to keep trying to connect, without actually ever connecting.

Same here. I commute by train every day from Vienna to Clarendon, and the final half of that trip is underground tunnels where there’s wi fi at the various stops an my phone tries to reconnect.

I just charge my phone at work if I need to. USB from the computer.

A t-shirt pocket would get the same things as a button up shirt pocket. Mostly notes and little bigs of paper. Sometimes things that I don’t want to put in my pants pocket with my phone like a random screw, paper clip, or key to the drawers in the lab that I rarely have to go to so it isn’t on my key ring.

In case anyone cares, my iPhone 7+ 128Gig still lasts at least 48 hrs on a full charge. This includes spending at least 8 hours online per day. And reading a full Peter Watts book overnight due to insomnia.