Underworld Ascendant brought to you by Zombie Looking Glass

maybe, we shall see.
There is fun to be had in the game. The magic system is pretty great, stealth is 80% of Thief. Interested in what people like and don’t like. In some ways this was more of a challenge than some of us thought, building a company, selling the game, keeping the lights on, and developing all at the same time was many hats to juggle. Its been a exausting 4 years. The company is on solid footing (which is good-very good) the future is bright…we learned a ton about the team, about what worked and didn’t and all we can do is move to the next thing, and fix this one up as best as we can. As with every game I wish we had another 3 months, 10 more people and unlimited funds, but sadly we have none of those things. I want us to get to Bethesda level, but that is going to take some serious time. The next game is already bigger and better funded (Shock 3) and the one after that we expect even more. Win or lose UA got us standing up, and the team that is here now is stronger than the one that started the journey. What can I say, I still love coming to work.