Unexpected consequences of a lifetime of game playing

A little on topic self pimpage:

A few years ago I wrote two articles similiar to this: Everything I Needed To Know I Learned from FPS Games parts 1 and 2:


Not that I link to QT3 in my GG sig, but… uhh… why?

Or was that supposed to be a joke? Guess I don’t get it if it is. (Might very well be a moron moment on my part).

Yeah, it’s a bit of a wry commentary on GG sigs. Go read the forums there and you’ll understand.

  • Alan

55 - You can’t leave without your buddy Superfly.

55 - You can’t leave without your buddy Superfly.

HAH! I guess that means that 56 has to be: Three words - Suck It Down!

Dammit, I was so close to being able to post this. Bastard.

  1. Your cell phone ring is the level music from Bubble Bobble.

  2. Your unused cell phone ringtones include the title music from Bubble Bobble and the theme from Paperboy.

  3. You spout quotes from old OMM reviews three times a day, in non-game-related conversations.

  1. You thought that song “Paperboy” (by Paperboy?) was about Paperboy for years. I think it’s actually about getting laid.
  1. Whenever you get something you’ve wanted for some time, i.e. a new game, you jump up and do the Wind Waker spin.

  2. When a group of people suddenly appear near you, from a side door or further down a hall, your first thought is “grenade!”

  3. Before you open a closed door, you mutter “open, flash, and clear.”

I’ve gotten people to say “Lots of swearing and rap-talk is the difference between winning and extra winning” who have no idea what the source material is. But it’s so true.

Hahahahaha, I do that all the time. The “check it, I got a huge rupee BITCH” one, not the spinning %D WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA one. That sequence of notes just seems to exist for the feeling of “fuck yes!”

Ahh, someone mentioned ring tones, so here’s one:

  1. When you HAND-PROGRAM the music from DOOM’s e1m1 into your cellphone as your ring tone.

(Yes, I did this.)

Just last night I had a dream where I was fighting Diablo. Well, not so much fighting rather than evading. He kept firing off his lightning hose, but I was always able to either hide behind a pillar, or put up some sort of non-diabloesque shield to block the attack…it may have been a dungeon master’s screen.

Yeah. :shock:

I have FPS dreams frequently - the only time it freaked me out is when both my Lady and I shared dreams. We both dreamt we were playing the same level of Call of Duty.
Oh, that grenade one? all the time

This is a great thread.

65.?) Driving along and seeing hills and rocky outcroppings and wondering where best to position your Myth units.

  • Can my Souless hover over those rocks without having to engage in hand-to-hand?

  • Is the hill steep enough for my Dwarf to lob a couple of cocktails before they get to them?

  • How many archers can I spread along there?

  1. Your cell phone ring is the level music from Bubble Bobble

Heh, yes it is…

ringtone-Super Mario Bros.

If I could get Doom e1m1 i’d be in heaven.

66)? You’re the only one in your group who can name the weapons and armor at a medieval museum.

  1. You categorize used computers strictly according the the games they could likely play.

68 ) You feel a huge jab of guilt when looking at annual Quicken reports and seeing the number under “Computer: Games”.

Driving west to Denver from Chicago, seeing the Rockies suddenly appear as if out of nowhere, and thinking that nature needed a more advanced video card to prevent that pop-up.

It just needs more RAM.

Geez. You didn’t use the Weidu hack to remove this I’m guessing?? LOL
First thing I did when reinstalling BG2 again, was add the skip chateau Irenicus mod, and the removal of the “gather your party” voice sound.