Unicorn Overlord: no Unicorns or Overlords were hurt in the creation of this thread

I bought the game so I am going to Dive in amidst all the hype.

No Unicorns or Overlords were hurt in the creation of this thread.

So are these Unicorns Little Pony type or they like the one in 9 Princes of Amber.

What exactly is the ring made of? It better not be a Unicorn Horn is all I am saying.

My first question is how do you select units to move together i couldn’t get it to work in the tutorial. I thought hold down A key while selecting each unit.

I also had a problem trying to move around unit formation. I probably should redo the Tutorial…but nah that would be smart!

The multi-select is the most awkward part of the entire controls, for me. I’m on PS5 and it’s hold X, while paused, and drag across the units - it’s reliable now but I definitely blew it a few times to get used to it. Very important, too, at least on Expert, to move units in groups so you can switch them in and optimize combats.

Hold A (on Switch) while dragging the cursor over units. But you can’t be hovering over a unit when you start holding A, as that selects the one unit under the cursor.

Ah, I think that was my problem I was hovering over a unit when trying to multi select.

You bought it! I was using you as a standard to resist! How am I supposed to now ;D

The demo convinced me to buy it at release. Fair play Vanillaware, you got me good with that one. Decided to go all in and bump the difficulty all the way up to Expert for my first playthrough too. Provides a satisfying challenge so far that rewards engaging with all the game’s mechanical depth; e.g., unit formations, active and passive skills, etc.

Can someone explain the name?

You play as an overlord of Unicorns?

In my head cannon you’re actually an Amber lord. Hear me out. So this Unicorn ring is able to remove the mental maladies and restore the minds to normal. (Minor demo spoiler). That’s what Corwin did when he walked the pattern. The Unicorn of Order is a thing in Amber. The world is corrupted by chaos.

Lastly, the collector’s edition literally comes with a set of trumps


Hey must be invisible Unicorns who ride on the back of a lord or sumthin’

Oh that is very good!! I rather have me some of Amber’s Unicorns (well there really was only ever the one Unicorn but what a Unicorn she was!

I’m around level 12 now. The story is weak at first. Don’t really care for those early characters. I decided to murder a few of them. Can’t tell how it will affect things.

There’s sooooo many named characters, I am experiencing some minor FOMO from not being able to use and level them up.

edit: Oh wow you actually mentioned Amber in the beginning post too

What I’ve seen from videos is fine. Typical jpg stuff. Voice acting seems well done (though every other character sounds like Johnny Yong Bosch).

I checked the voice actors, the main characters for both the JP and EN have the least experience - just 7 titles. Meanwhile all the other characters have 40+ titles experience listed. My friend posits they got a cheap guy for whoever had the most lines.


I’m about 12 hours in and I’m liking this a lot. One of the best TRPG I remember from recent times.

The story is so-so so far, but nothing egregious. It feels the quite open structure of world progression made them slice everything into tiny little pieces, so nothing hits hard enough. I would have preferred they forced more choices on you, branching the story a little. But it’s not exactly something the game seems very interested in.

Other than that, the combat design works very well. The depth is there to configure some very specific squads with clear weaknesses and strengths (and jack-of-all-trades seem to also work). I’m playing Tactical (3rd of the 4 difficulty settings) and it might be a tad too easy, but 30% of the world map in, I’m finding myself beating combats with less and less margin each time. Thinking about bumping to Expert.

I would have preferred two clear and more precisely balanced difficulty modes here. 4 is too many.

But yeah, great TRPG so far. I still have about half the classes (and recuitable characters) to discover, so there’s still room for growth or disappintment.

This is something I wanted to ask, can you switch difficulty during the game, or do you have to restart?
The demo only had three of those by the way, uh!

You can switch between the four, or three in the demo, difficulty settings whilst in the Overworld via the system settings. Your choice of difficulty will be fixed\locked during battle stages though.

Excellent, thank you!

Wake me up when it’s released for the PC, please. :)

Never happened for any Vanillaware game ever, as Thraeg said earlier. Tough luck!