US Government Shutdown Watch: 2018 Edition. More Bricks in the Wall?





Wait, was her nephew in the army or did she have an army of nephews?

On a personal note, I did make morning journey thru Joshua Tree today. It was nearly empty, but the volunteers maintaining it have it immaculate. Not a speck of trash anywhere. So thanks to them. I’m glad I got to experience it. It was really incredible place.

Fuckin’ spawn campers.

A secret plan to end the shutdown sounds familiar…

Man, Buffy the Vampire Slayer too?

Does Poe’s Law apply here? I mean, “died three times”?

BTW @scottagibson which country did you retire to, out of curiosity?

Thank you, Simone.

My god, a real president.


…longest shutdown ever now. Trump’s Shutdown. Let’s see him own this for the history books.

I live in Ecuador, in Cuenca. It’s a small city (500k people) in the Andes, at about 8,500 feet or so. The colonial city is nearly 500 years old, and the climate is quite moderate because of the elevation. It’s a walkable city, at least in the historic center, so we live without a car. There are good restaurants and shops and lots to do, and the people are very warm and friendly, so it is a great place to live.

Technically, yeah, but come on, we know who Buffy the Vampire Slayer really is, and she apparently voted Hillary…

Couldn’t happen to a more deserving lickspittle.

Trump only does the bestest shutdowns.

Anyone remember the Twilight Zone episode where all of the evil people end up two feet tall? Wouldn’t it be great if that could happen to Trump and all of his supporters? Just picture it.

Yes, I remember this episode, which means you would also be two feet tall for wanting this.

Bolded the part you missed. :)

You’re right, I guess your new rules would exclude evil people who don’t also support Trump. There doesn’t seem to be an easy way to Monkey-paw you into a gnome.

Don’t worry. Time is doing that just fine.