Valve expects some modder will fix Half-Life: Alyx

I am indeed.

Except you won’t, because the fuss is because it’s in VR.

’ let you finish* ’

*: he skips some parts with the console.

If someone really wants to see the story, there are about a million playthroughs on YouTube.

Gotta bait them clicks.

OMG I’m watching the video now and it’s the most clunkiest shit ever. Kind of hilarious

That IS hilarious.
And a completely wrong approach to how a game like that should be translated from VR to kb&m…

If you discard the VR immersion and interaction, HL:Alyx retains its intricately crafted worldbuilding, but the game really isn’t there. It’s just a fairly pedestrian shooter, and I picture a hilariously easy one with mouse+keyboard movement and accuracy.

It’s klunky in VR too, but pleasingly so. You need to position yourself to the side of a door to grab its handle with your hand and pull it towards yourself, and you enjoy that because that’s how doors work.

I spend half my time in HL:Alyx just looking around, immersed in the world they built, and the other half grabbing random objects with the gravity glove, examining them closely, and marveling that they modeled the inside of a water bottle, or that a package of chips has the full nutrition and calorie info. And the third half annoyed at how much teleporting movement and snap-turning sucks and wishing I was playing in a 200x200 foot space.