Vampire Survivors - How did no one think of this before?

This is going to sound stupid. But the last 10 days of the hospital fried my brain. I kinda of forgot how to play besides running around like a crazy person. I am playing on Steamdeck. Do button presses do anything?

Only in menus.

In actual gameplay, all you do is move.

Haha thanks, so I’m not going crazy yet,

I’m now consistently clearing up to 30 on regular maps, regardless of character and skills, as long as I pay a little attention to synergy. Arcanas are SO POWERFUL. My favorite combo is probably loading up a char with bladed weapons then get the crit and bounce arcanas. So much slice and dice. Or going with dual guns and pigeons, grabbing the counterpart and bounce arcanas and once again just demolish everything. I still have to unlock 4 or so by leveling some characters to 50 and then I’ll tackle the bonus stages for real, only did a couple so far to unlock the merchant, yellow sign and something else.

I think this is my higest level reached yet:

@vyshka I don’t think there is an evo for the bone.

I’m mopping up the last few unlocks (if I can figure out how) and puzzling over most of the secrets (I think I have completed 3 or 4). I wish there was a way to pursue these between the extremes of looking up the answers and just playing and playing until I stumble on something. Anyway, I’ve made a few attempts today at one of the secrets that seems straightforward, which is leveling up all 16 side items. Came literally one upgrade away the last time! Anyone have a character/build they like for this?

What are those?


@Nightgaunt I just found the secret thing last night finally trying that level for the 1st time. I’m not quite sure what that was (ball of bones?) :), but it was funny chasing it down initially and then backing off and waiting until I powered up before finishing it off.

@jpinard you will eventually find/get access to some cards that kind of look like a tarot card, that give buffs to certain weapons or powers.

I usually do 1 or 2 runs a day now, just trying to finish off things I still have left to do. Next is to find the yellow sign.

Modifiers you can unlock, if you do some stuff once you reach the 4th level.

Oh, I always leave Arcanas off because I don’t find their effects to be that fun, but I should go back to playing with them now that I have them all unlocked. Am I weird for playing all my levels “vanilla” even though I have limit breaks, and hurry mode, etc, all unlocked?

For beginners:

One non-obvious button, the “touchpad” button will bring up a map. I think it’s an early unlock. This shows you objectives and bonus features on the maps

Thank you! I had no idea. And I need all the tips I can get :)

Yeah, biggest tip here. That’s how you can get 12 things and then get 2-4 more on top. First map, there’s (I think) spinach, empty heart, clover, and something else. If you can maneuver such that you can pick up all 12 before getting to the first bonus item, you can go on a tear. I’m at a point where I’m a bit stuck, call it 85% complete, and I’ve realized that I need to not grab new things nearly as much as pump up the things I have, around minute 10 you need to have at least one good weapon way up there, around level 5 or more, to keep up. If you break through then the other stuff just levels nonstop.

That said, I’m stuck on the last main level where the damned water reaper shows up. That dude sucks.

He’s not immune to the Rosary, I think. The item that insta-kills all on-screen enemies. So, it’s an option to destroy torches early on until you find a Rosary, and once the blue reaper shows up, head to the Rosary and collect it.

The Arcana that warps all the crystals and items to you every two minutes is enormously useful. I start with that basically every run. Hurry also just saves time so I always use it.

Oddly enough, also doesn’t seem to be immune to the mine carts in the dairy level, the ones you can kick off that level everyone in their path. They seem to be an instakill to everyone in the way, including those reapers.

12 powers? Or 12 items?

6 weapons and 6 items. Basically if you have filled up the slots for items and weapons from leveling drops, and those items are different than what exists on the map, you can then go and grab the items on the map, the number depends on the map I think, add them to your character, and level them up like the rest. So you can end up with 6 weapons and like 10 items. It can help with evolving a weapon too, since if a weapon you have can use one of those items, you can grab something else, and then evolve the weapon once you pick up the item later.

The bone zone is also pretty tough. Died during the last minute. That seems to be a thing.