Vampire Survivors - How did no one think of this before?

I put some serious time into the PC version this week for the first time in a long while, and I was also shocked by the last-minute difficulty of a bunch of stages (basically, everything past the forest and library.)

I’m not sure what limit I’m bumping up against, exactly. I have all of the powerups unlocked except for a handful of armor and health regen pips, can string together seemingly-godly, maxed-out evos and bonus items build by the 20 minute mark consistently, and can basically walk away until 29:00 hits. If I’m active, I’ll be in the mid-100s, level-wise, and still be overrun. The only times I’ve gotten to 30:00 have involved stacking revives and just getting lucky dying at the right time.

I did just unlock the Arcana elements and don’t understand how they work yet, but are the later stages really balanced to expect their use out-of-the-box?

I’m still having a blast with the game, and have a steady stream of achievements to continue progressing, but I did not remember the large sprite swarm pressure being so intense!

Obviously this game is so busy that I’m not always sure what I’m actually seeing, but I tried this at one point. I had to do several rosaries, and I think that killed one, but I’m pretty sure he didn’t die after the first one?

What I can say is that a 100% assured way of making it past the 31 minute mark is to get Lancet (the time stopper), Laurel (damage immunity), Tiragisu (revives) and the extra revive arcana.

The cooldown reduction (empty tome) makes it even more effective.

That’ll get you past 31 minutes every time. The only downside is that it gimps your damage slightly when you’re still doing waves.

It’s even better if you can seed the map with extra time stoppers.

I’ve wondered if anyone has been able to time gorgeous moon just right by luck or otherwise.

Those who simply want the achievements and don’t mind ‘cheating’ can also unlock the Endless modifier instead. Death won’t show up after 30 minutes, but making it past the 31-minute mark that way still counts.

I almost made it 40 minutes with train of Grim Reapers chasing me. At the 39 minute mark several of them start to join from off screen from random directions. Before that it is like 1 Grim Reaper spawns every 30 seconds or so and it’s easier to manage them and add them to the train.

Not the endgame reaper, the midgame reaper with the water scythe that makes the level start filling from the bottom up. He’s on the milk level and the last regular level.

I accidentally made a build that was literally unkillable and ended up with dozns of endgame reapers just floating on me and couldnt kill me.

Infinite Corridor is scary but a real bitch to evolve.

Link to my accidental invulnerability

ended up leaving it running for a bit to see if they could kill me, they couldn’t. get a new reaper every minute past 30.

Ah, that guy! Different ninja turtle.

I haven’t gotten that far yet, I’m just having fun completing the easy stuff.

This is the most items I’ve done so far. I potentially could have done one better getting one more before picking up one of the map items needed for the laurel. It might have been too much though, and took too long to evo with that many things. I might try it switching out gennaro for porta and starting with the lightning ring.

Edit: Okay, that try went better, but still didn’t get the lancet evo done

I’m sorry if this is such a stupid question. My brain truly is not working yet. But what are #1 and #2? Are the only weapons you use the entire time listed under Weapons to the left of those categories?


1 is the weapons and items you are carrying. 2 is the powerups that have been bough on the main screen.

Unfortunately that doesn’t sort them, so the weapons in that first group are 4, 7, 9, 11, 20, and 21, with them all evolved except #7.

Using this thread as a “Bullet Heaven” repository, I bought Boneraiser Minions and have found it a fine complement to VS (I’m kinda burned out on the latter, having catassed it over the last week).

I didn’t know that’s what we were calling these…I was just calling them “survivor-likes”.

But holy shit, that’s a lot of clones!

Now there is an aughts reference I haven’t heard in some while.

My selection has grown thanks to the link posted above.

VS Style games - Feel free to request one! 20 Minutes Till Dawn, Army of Ruin, Brotato, Forced Showdown, Nordic Ashes, Nova Drift, Rogue: Genesia, Scarlet Tower, Soulstone Survivors, HoloCure, Jianghu Survivor, Spellbook Demonslayers,Freedom Drive, Bounty of One, Sidestep Legend, Luck Be A Landlord, Bio-Prototype, Vampire Survivors.

so many. Bounty of One seems solid of the new ones I played today so far.

So what would be in the bullet purgatory genre?

The graphics look a bit oversaturated. Is it hard to make things out? Hard to tell from the screenshots.

Stardew Valley?