Veronica Mars

Yeah, all we got was ‘Oh, I was hoping it was you.’ My money is on it being Wallace.

There needs to be a moderated thread on TWoP where the intelligent people who post, can discuss the episode without the noise.

Out of the ~93 pages or so for a given show, about 2 are of interest. The rest are people who are obviously out of touch, people who are in touch with out of touch, people who feel the need to relate everything to god, people discussing how much they squealed and people who post stuff that has already been posted or disproven because they didn’t bother to read the preceding posts. Then it gets recursive, the people who only manage to read the repeated and disproven posts and then proceed to discuss that. Etc.

It’s a pity really. The stuff that is left is usually of interest, but not worth finding for the sheer effort involved.

I just finished Season 1, which was excellent. Very good pacing in keeping the main plotline running alongside the case of the week. The ending maybe could have been better, but I’m not gonna complain. Spoilers below:

Anyway, I totally don’t get the deal with Veronica’s mom. Maybe I missed something. Why did she have to run away and why couldn’t she talk to Veronica? And when Veronica went to see her, it seemed like Veronica made a big deal about how Clarence Wiedman followed her and also found the mom but then nothing really comes of that. Or does it? And if the mom had a legit reason for running away, why is Veronica so cold to her at the end? And if she didn’t have a legit reason, why the total lack of communication?

Someone with a better memory will hopefully provide a better answer, but I don’t remember being confused in that episode. I remember it being clear by the end of that episode that Veronica’s mom was a loser who fell back into her old habits and couldn’t get out despite Veronica’s efforts and optimism in that episode. I don’t remember specifics though, sorry.

Gosh, I need to buy the first season on disc, it’s so good. I wonder if they’ll release it on blu-ray?

Veronica had an offhand comment about how she’d never quite been perfect, but before that I’d gotten the impression her alcoholism had mainly been caused by the stress of being away from her family. I’d cut her some slack for that.

Veronica cut her slack for that too. That was her theory, that it was caused by the stress of being away from her family, her hope. But by the end, when she left with the check (right? I remember that vaguely), that showed her she was wrong. It was a serious bigger problem that she couldn’t just fix by bringing her back into their lives.

She took the check after Veronica said she had to leave so it wouldn’t have been a factor in Veronica’s decision. It seems like just judging by what we saw, Veronica was kind of harsh on her mom, but there could have been a lot of older stuff the mom did that was implied or not shown at all that helped Veronica to come to that conclusion.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say you should not follow these lines of inquiry until you have completed at least season 2. It’s too hazardous to your enjoyment of the show to start asking these questions before you get farther along, with everyone else operating with a lot more hindsight.

I was engrossed throughout, although season 1 was my favorite.

I already accidentally watched a clip from episode 1 of Season 3 right before watching the Season 1 finale. Seeing who Veronica’s boyfriend was in that one was definitely interesting, and did spoil a lot I think.

It could be a lot worse, although that’s pretty bad.

I saw the cover art of the S3 DVD while watching S2. It spoils but it’s not too bad.

S1>S3 (Second Half)>>S2>>>S3 (First Half)

Season One is very good and focused. Season Two’s central mystery is a bit rubbish and you’re not invested emotionally. And the finale with the retcon was a bit too much. That said that season was much better than the horrid first half of Season 3. That first half is just bad. The central mystery was just absolute crap and the show was basically one of those bad teen shows. However as soon as the first half ends, they start the second half with very good standalone episodes, and then finish off the season possibly better than ever.

The Season 2 DVD set is the only one of the three that doesn’t come with English subtitles. What kind of bullshit is that? My wife is not happy (and I’m not terribly happy that I have to pause and explain stuff to her more often now).

What you need is teen noire boot camp. Rent Brick and have her watch the first ten minutes without subtitles before you turn them on and re-watch, only to realize most of the dialogue is in trainspottingesque jargon. And then once it all works for you, VM will feel like no challenge at all.

Me, I learned tv lipreading from the Wire, the first tv show in English I ever needed subtitles for.

I don’t know how anyone can watch Brick the first time around without subtitles. Loved that movie.

I didn’t really get Brick, but I guess that’s another thread.

Anyway, almost done with Veronica Mars but I’m not sure what to watch next. My wife likes the detective thing, but preferably if it’s fairly light and not too scary. I doubt she’s gonna go for something like Twin Peaks or Dexter. Maybe Psych or Monk? Any suggestions?


Monk is pretty uneven, but enjoyably so. I quit it after several seasons because nothing ever seems to happen and the detective plot often makes huge leaps of logic. Never really watched Psych fully, though I’ve enjoyed what little episodes I’ve caught.

How about Burn Notice?

Yeah, it’s a tough choice after Veronica Mars. That show definitely left a big hole. I haven’t quite found anything with that kind of quality writing and characters… until Dexter. But you say she won’t go for Dexter? Are you sure? I’d still recommend the first season of Dexter. It’s just soooooo good. It’s definitely the successor, quality-wise, to Veronica Mars, for me at least.

The Shield. Do it. Just show her the first episode and she’ll be hooked.

I’m 41 and just finished season 3 of Veronica Mars…It’s like crack, I couldn’t stop and now I am craving more, though I know the show has ended…must…find…new…drug…