VR - Is it really going to be a success? Or, thanks Time for starting a discussion!

I’m not getting anything yet, just asking questions. ;)

You can do that (the router is just working as a switch for the PC in that case, in addition to its wireless functions) but I have both my desktop and the access point plugged into a nearby switch. And I carry it around to different rooms if need be. Either version should be basically the same though in theory you are taking a tiny bit of load off the Quest router, if it’s not also handling your PC traffic even as a switch. (Probably makes no measurable dfference compared to important things like avoid WiFi interference.)

If you don’t have WiFi 6 at all now, if you get a seperate WiFi 6 router you can make sure to split the WiFi bands (the choice between 20, 40, 80, and 160 Mhz) and not impact your household wifi speed much.

I haven’t kept up with it but last I checked going from WiFi 5 to 6 made only a tiny difference in Virtual Desktop quality, next to really big things like 1) Having the router in line of sight 2) Using a modern GPU like Nivida 2000 or 3000 that has better video compression 3) Not having too many neighbors polluting your wifi space.

I still use a Link cable for cockpit games and a few things that just look so amazing I want to crank the bitrate up to ridiculous levels, but for anything where I’m moving around wireless is just so good.

So I got these today:

So far so awesome!

Welcome to VR. :)

I did most of my desktop but still ‘need’ to upgrade the 2080ti.

It’ll be in short stints. The front-heaviness of it keeps me to short bursts right now. Really waiting for that counterweight to arrive.

Wait I’m running on a 2080ti and it seems great so far.

I mean it’s generally fine, but things just look way better the higher the resolution you push it. Although I do struggle with Project Cars 3 maintaining 90Hz even at lower resolutions.


Guess what finally came today? I think it got here by way of Jupiter :D

Just use a velcro strap to strap a portable USB battery pack to the back of the strap until the official counterweight arrives . Makes a big difference.

Sir, did you not see the thing I ordered?

It is EXACTLY that.

Unless you’re in a rush let me get mine first and report back.

Also I intended to reply to Matt, so apologies for that.

Postmarked Enceladus? Oh wait, that’s Saturn.

Glad it finally arrived. They weren’t kidding when they said DeJoy screwed up the Post Office! Gonna pay extra for UPS/Fed Ex, I guess, until this gets back to normal.

VTOL VR is awesome. It’s also made by just the one guy.

Yeah it looks right around the amount of fidelity I want.

:) Here’s mine. Even though I have the Vive DAS attached to my Quest, I still just used velcro tape and a velcro strap to add an extra (dead) battery in the back for counterweight. This setup is reliably very comfortable (for having a hot, heavy piece of gear strapped to the front of your face.) The battery has never even come remotely close to coming loose.

Damn that Vive thing is $100!

True, but worth it, IMO. When I upgrade to a Quest 2, it should be easy to transfer over too.

Another site to browse the App Lab entries, this is one is actually usable as it has nice filters and sort options:

Facebook is working on a neural wristband that reads signals from brain to hands, to go along with its AR glasses; Bosworth insists it can’t “read your brain”

Geez I only recently got a 1070 😀