
Yes, Seinfeld is some of the best entertainment of the past century.

Huh. Cool, I guess. I find Jerry wildly unfunny. Not a fan of Louis-Dreyfuss either. I do appreciate Jason Alexander, though I see a little too much of myself in George at times for my liking.

You know how when you play a 4x game and there’s this long drawn out phase at the end where the outcome is inevitable and you must go through this painful slog to get there? That’s what watching an episode of Seinfeld feels like to me. That reaction isn’t unique to Seinfeld, but that show in particular evokes it strongly.

Who’s saying seinfeld isn’t funny?

Nah, I’m on the can’t-stand-Seinfeld crew.

“Look, aren’t these people fucking just horrible?”

“Uh, yeah. Awful.”

“I know, right? Just garbage people, lol!”

“Ugh. They should I guess get some therapy?”

“I know but it’s hilarious!”

“What, that they’re awful humans who lack the slightest sense of empathy?”



Fire it into the Sun.

You Seinfeld haters, have you tried Curb Your Enthusiasm? I’m just curious if it’s better for you. I love both, but find Curb to be better.

Hard to imagine anyone liking Curb who didn’t get Seinfeld. Larry’s character is what those guys are complaining about times a zillion.

Haven’t watched it, but every joke or clip of it I’ve been exposed to is poisonous fruit of the same rotten tree, yes.

Of course everyone has their own tastes, and not everything will resonate with everyone. But Seinfeld regularly makes lists of the top sitcoms of all time (if not the #1 spot), so you shouldn’t be surprised when people like the show.

So I have a theory about the show, beyond the whole “what’s really going on?” mystery. I don’t want to get too deep into it this early, but basically I think it’s more about the characters of Wanda and Vision than the mystery itself.

They pretty much gave it away in the clip show, Vision’s mind isn’t contained within the mind infinity stone, it was largely separated, and now Wanda is trying to finish the job either in a bubble universe or some sort of mind-meld.

Yeah my take on the question of “Who’s doing this to you Wanda?” is Wanda herself.

I thought of this because of @Misguided’s comment about liking Jason Alexander. Curb is mostly about a George-like having his own show with no annoying Jerry around. (I will admit that while I appreciate the writing and Jerry’s stand up, I find him the least likable character on Seinfeld.) Curb also doesn’t have recorded studio audience and is almost entirely done improv. These things elevate it way beyond Seinfeld for me.

Jerry and Elaine basically play the straight man on Seinfeld, with George, Kramer, the guest stars, and the rest of the zany family and fellows being the instigators. On Curb, his long-suffering wife Cheryl is the straight man.

Also Larry lacks the pathos of George because it’s literally him as opposed to a stand-in for himself so he won’t make himself look quite so small and pitiable. Love Curb, but IMO Seinfeld is a better show.

This thread is the first time I’ve encountered people who didn’t like Seinfeld.

That’s not what I’m talking about. I don’t mean the overarching plot of the show; I mean the purpose of the show itself. In the movies, we never really got to see Wanda and Vision’s relationship: They went from affection in one movie, to suddenly being together in the next one. This series is there to actually show their relationship. Against a weird sitcom backdrop, sure, but it’s still there.

Oh. Well sure, they’re trying to make that relationship feel more real.

Oh, I know. I probably should have put a tag on there or something to indicate. I don’t like the show, but I certainly respect that many do. FWIW, I appreciate that the show dared to do things differently. Again, I may not like it, but I do respect it.

@Sharpe yeah, that’s my suspicion as well.

Man is this going to be another thread where the haters are going to drown any positivity?

I came here just having watched both episodes and being super excited. Can’t wait for more. Little clues and hints dropped around, the slowly changing world dressed in the guise of a sitcom which it clearly isn’t. Little bits of creepiness. Hints of the larger MCU. I love me a slow burn series that takes its time. This delivers for me on so many levels. Great show!

This is an accurate description of all cringe comedy, and the whole damn subgenre (Seinfeld very much included) can be fired into the sun.

I created a separate fan thread: WandaVision Fan Discussion Thread