Warframe: silly named F2P coop TPS

I didn’t realize that the game was player hosted. I’ve only played on my own so that likely explains why I haven’t had any issues.

Other than the graphics, other than the coolness of space ninjas,… the most mystifying thing about this game is the devs, Digital Extremes. They are like savant idiots, and put a lot of effort on creating new content and events. Events on warframe are A Thing.

I login every day to do the events, so at least its got me coming back to it :)

One of the gameplay options allows you to set a matchmaking ping limit. Try playing with that option, but be aware that a low ping limit will reduce the number of potential games you can join.

Of course network lag is a non-issue if you’re hosting or soloing.

Oh, and if anyone hasn’t tried it yet, at the login screen use ‘Flappy’ as your login ID. Only played it a few times, my best score is 5 I think.

They are doing all right, it seems

I’m glad. These guys and Grinding Gear Games (Path of Exile) really know how to keep cranking the content on F2P titles. Since I last played this game (6 months ago, maybe?) there’s been a slew of new warframes, dozens of new weapons, entire new gamemodes, a bunch of new tilesets, new and completely reworked game mechanics, etc. I’ve really been impressed with what they have accomplished.

Perfect World is looking to buy Digital Extremes

Link taken from the Warframe forums, some other links there as well in a megathread. No official annoucement yet, I think. The forumites there are not exactly overjoyed.

Even better. One of the partners in the acquisition? Sumpo Foods. A chicken processing outfit.


The board (the “Board”) of directors (the “Directors”) of the Company is pleased to announce that on
30th June 2014, the Company, Perfect Online Holding Limited (“Perfect Online”) (the Company and
Perfect Online collectively the “Purchasers” and each of them a “Purchaser”) and the shareholders (the
“Vendors”) of Digital Extremes Ltd. (“Digital Extremes”) entered into a non-binding term sheet (the
“Term Sheet”), pursuant to which the Purchasers intend to purchase, and Vendors intend to sell, all the
outstanding shares of Digital Extremes (“Proposed Investment”), subject to due diligence and execution
of definitive agreements between the parties.

So…update 14

Remember the Eve Online’s Captains Quarters thing?

Yea, Warframe just introduce a brand-spanking new menu and frontend UI and a (tiny) walk-around spaceship as a mission base.
The forums are filled with complaints.

History, why doth thou repeat yourself?

(Seriously, it’s bad. From one click to get to stuff to a minimum of three, with loading delays, significantly less available data on many screens, etc.
edit: Oh hey, multiple reports of motion sickness from poorly done diagetic elements. You can’t make this shit up)

But but but … the immersion! :p

Dead Space 1/2’s UI?


Your warframe blocking a chunk of of the module screen, which has far fewer mods on screen than before, and which you need to back in and out of to . Also, the module screen’s at a significant angle to your view, making it hard to read everything.

Not Immersion.

(Did I mention bad UI’s annoy me? Oh they do, so so much. This is why I played WoW for so long, I could fix the UI my way.)

It’s not just from the UI. The new transition scenes use a shaky cam, exacerbating the problem. Normally I’m not prone to motion sickness, but I was starting to feel it after a while. DE loves to shake that screen.

Back playing this a bit. Dojo was pretty far along when I last played, interested in seeing how it’s doing now.

Changes, I hate change!

Oh, a doggie!, cuuute :D

The new UI/Map feels like it made everything take 400% as much time to do anything and you see less.

Well, just tried this because I thought the art design looked interesting (cross between Lynch’s Dune, a famous s-f cover artist whose name I can’t remember atm, and general bandes dessinees shenanigans, all mixed with Quake II), and indeed the game looks great and the intro mission is a blast; but it’s almost laughably the glitchiest most problematic (for my system) game I think I’ve ever played. I’ve never, ever had these kinds of problems in a game before, at least not in the last decade or so, since the bad old days of DOS and Win95.

My system is pretty old, I guess (Core2Duo E8400 o/c-ed to 3.8ghz, 8G RAM, HD5770, Vista 64 bit), and I suppose it must be tuned to Win 7/8. I just keep getting problems, like first I couldn’t run it in fullscreen, and if I changed it to full screen in-game then I’d get a menu freeze if I tried to tweak anything; then having discovered borderless windowed, it ran and I could tweak things, then I got the game freezing at the load screen post-intro-mission, now I’m getting some “can’t connect to interwebz” thing. Too exhausted to pursue it more today.

But it does have a great “feel” to it, it’ll be worth trying to get to work, I think.

They have been having severe server problems since some time yesterday. I’ve been playing for a couple weeks and this is the first time i had such problems.

Seems you can still just click on a menu to get to the different areas, the fancy walk around the ship ui is optional

Yes, but it’s still annoying as hell (it’s gone from single or rarely two clicks to “hit escape, 3+ clicks via submenus”, etc.), and they did about everything wrong for creating simulation sickness.

I’ve stopped playing, despite enjoying the gameplay, because the menus make me feel queasy.