Warhammer: The Old World - Return to pre-Age of Sigmar fantasy battles

Warhammer: The Old World is Games Workshop’s dive back to the large unit/regiments fantasy battles from before the Age of Sigmar. (It’s the setting everyone else has been playing in the strategy games from Creative Assembly.) This will hit store shelves on January 20th.

Launch rundown

The two core starter packs are the Kingdom of Bretonnia and Tomb Kings of Khemri.

There is a big old rulebook, and an army list book for the men, elves, and dwarfs as well as a book for the chaos forces. Of course, there are themed dice, templates, individual minis etc. Look, if you want to spend some money, Games Workshop has you covered.

Will this return to the Old World resonate with modern fans?


You’ll get no argument from me. I long ago fell off the Games Workshop wagon as far as buying the physical stuff.

Time to break out this old chestnut:

Hey, someone needs to tell those nerds at the Warhammer company that the name “Old World” is already taken!

This is, “The Old World” Tom, I’m sure it’ll be okay.