Warlock: Master of the Arcane (Elemental done right?)

Yes, i am teasing a bit with that title. The obvious thing would have been to mention Master of Magic, not Elemental.

So, fantasy TBS with a war between warlocks. Developed by 1C, published by Paradox.


[li]Research and master dozens of spells, conjure strong enchantments and find out powerful spell combinations[/li]> [li]Use the forces of three races, along with summons and wild creatures[/li]> [li]Innovating city management system with less routine actions[/li]> [li]Epic battles with large armies marching across the landscape[/li]> [/ul]

Teaser here

The map is hexa-ish.

I’m a pretty big fan of 1C, so I’m totally on board with this.

Well, I don’t know. Looking at the map in that video, it looks like a bit of an Elemental rip-off. Although…are those hexagons?

Anyway, I’ll certainly be following this. If nothing else, it provides work for the guy who voices the advisor in the Majesty games, which in my opinion he deserves. :)

I love the new Paradox model:

Publish tons of games cheap, and the more niche the idea the better. It’s like they woke up one day and said “hey this indie stuff, lets get rich off it!”

And then they did!

Seriously though, look at their list of current and upcoming games. It’s unbelievable what they’re doing. They ought to just sell a yearly sub that gives away the dang games for free so that I don’t have to keep paying them twenty bucks every couple of months.

suck it Trebek!

The palace is always under siege with that guy.

If 1C can channel MoM the way KB did HOMM, this is something to be excited about.*

*if you don’t know my abbreviations, this post is not for you!

That’s pretty much how I feel about it, yeah. :)

It’s Paradox. I can’t remember the last time they did anything “right.”

Well, to be more specific, I can’t remember the last time they helped anything. All the Paradox-published games I’ve enjoyed have been in spite of Paradox, not because of them.

1C, though, has earned my tentative trust over the past few years. They really nailed King’s Bounty, so maybe they’ll do well riffing on MoM/AoW.

They’re also helping keep the space game genre alive, so more power to 'em, I say.

King’s Bounty was unexpectedly excellent, so I’m very much looking forward to whatever 1C is going to do with MoM.

Sounds suspiciously like it might be the best game to come out in 2012. Possibly also the buggiest. But seriously, hex based & large scale wizard wars? I WANT!!!

Art direction looks lively enough.

Elemental’s putrid brown mess really prevented me from buying it…and I’ll buy anything.

You mean other than liberating Sword of the Stars from Lighthouse Interactive and basically being the only publisher willing to stick their necks out to support developers like Kerberos, 1C, Arrowhead, Tale Worlds, Battlegoat, etc? They’re practically single-handedly keeping the grand strategy genre alive.

But yea, fuck those guys, we need more Microsoft Game Studios and Activisions around, they’re doing amazing things for us!

This game could be interesting, but I’ve learned now to wait and see with Paradox strategy games.

Hmm does look suspiciously like Elemental.

Still, do want.

mmm… large scale, turn based, fantasy…si, papi dame lo.

But who in their right mind would want to rip-off Elemental? :P

Oh, i don’t know, they have some problems with their buggy releases, but overall they have released a good set of strategy games that go from decent to solid. I think i would trust them more than Stardock, which is more a one-hit (GalCiv 2) company.

I thought 1C did publishing too. Didn’t they publish Space Rangers? So why do they need Paradox? Is it a bigger release than they can handle or something? Or is there an advantage to having a separate publisher if you are developing?

Game looks intriguing, but seems pretty early.

Only three races and no Myrror. This game is domed. :/