Watch Dogs from Ubisoft

E3 video

Wow. It’s been a while that a game demo has floored me like that. So that’s what the next generation of games will be like? Amazing.

Also: God, I love Ubisoft so much. They are now what Interplay used to be in the 90s: always experiment, trying new things, swinging for the fences.

No platform announce on it, was there?

Perhaps that’s a next-next-gen console title, plus PC?

Someone mentioned it in the E3 thread, and I think they’re right–is this a modified version of the Anvil engine powering the game? All the people/AI’s walking around sure makes you think about it.

What did you see in that video that I didn’t? It is Assassins Creed + Deus Ex + some really pretty tech. I don’t see much of an experiment there.

Well, at least the IP is new.

The concept is good, the tech is great. But we have previous Ubisoft with good concepts and tech and art (say Far Cry 2 or Ass Creed) but imo the execution [of gameplay] is another matter. Crossing fingers they make a better job here.

Assassins Creed games are generally very very well recieved and a lot of people around here likes Far Cry 2 so besides personal likes, I’m not sure what you are implying? They failed with Assasssins Creed series? If so, its a ludicrous statement

Yeah, Turin’s out of his fucking mind. Far Cry 2, and AssCreed 2 and AssBro are excellent games.

They’ve edited it in now. PC, 360, PS3.

I have a hard time believing that clip is from the PS3 or 360 versions.

holy shit … that was damn impressive.

we’ll see if long-term gameplay holds-up well but having assassin-creed set in a modern setting would be fantastic!

(let’s not talk about how they will fuck it up with some stupid DRM)

What I want to know is, what alternative ways do we have to stop the car? Hacking the traffic lights and… what else? stealing a car and following him to his home? a sniper rifle from a balcony?
I want to see that Hitman/Deus Ex connection.

Watched the whole thing - very impressive. Love the setting and the theme. I hope it’s a proper open-world game.

Looks awesome but those cars all stopped in a nice combat cover arrangement and there was lots of space beside the bad guys car for the little cut scene to take place in. I wonder how much of that was truly organic. Here’s hoping though!

Yep, that’s the key question with this video. If I am supposed to have the freedom of hack whatever I want, what happens when I hack a traffc light in a crossroad? Are the npcs cars driving with an AI behavior that respect traffic lights so if you hack it they will be prone to crash? Is emergent gameplay? Or was scripted?
Because sure as hell the cars crashed in a very well done way, realistic and convenient for the next firefight. Great job if it was something emergent, but if in the end the hacking is going to be based on scripts and preplanned stuff for each mission of the main plot, my interest will go down.

You can see when he triggers the light that a bunch of cars suddenly appear and then smash into the target car (see 6:25 in the video). I think hacking a traffic light will generate a surge of cars to smash your target (you can see the target car is highlighted when he triggers the traffic hack). It’s not manipulating NPCs, it’s using a power. Which is fine by me, but there you go.

Also, this is a pre-prepared trailer for a game we won’t see for at least a year. Not much sense in thinking too hard about it yet.

One of the (many) reasons this video looks so awesome is that the player is behaving like a normal person. You know that when we get our hands on this game we’ll never walk somewhere when we can run. Gamers follow the path of least resistance, thats why watching a gamer play a real game will never appear this cinematic.

Still looks awesome though.


I liked the NPCs rushing to see if the people in the crash were OK. That was a nice touch…

This was the best thing at E3 so far.

Agreed, not much sense in discussing it already, without any hard fact in hands. It’s just the first video that serves as official announcement.

edit: Actually I am going to do a bit of analysis:

There are 8 possible powers (at least the circle menu showed 8 slots). In the demo he had unlocked 6:
-Jam comms
-Control bridges (the mobile ones, like the one at the end)
-Control traffic lights
-Control cars
-Control trains
-One icon that looks like open/close train barriers in roads/railways intersections
-Apart from the contextual spying in the art club.