Watch Dogs from Ubisoft

I’ve had my 👀 on the Watch Dogs games for a while. Is it worth playing both or just #2?

Personally, I’d skip the first and go straight to the sequel. Just about everything is better in the second game.

That said, as you can see here, some people liked the first.

I played the San Fransisco version because I love open world games. Liked a lot about it but got a bit weary of puzzles that I eventually had to look up a cheat on how to get done, and quit when I had a mission where you had to complete a puzzle inside a building within a time limit or the bomb went off. After about 7 attempts I decided this is pure drudgery and not what I’m looking for in an open world game.

There was a lot to like, but I was enjoying the game less and less as I got further into ir.

Go next gen with Legion!

Play first, and if you enjoy it and dont mind hipster cringe, play second too.

I had such fun with 2. It was just right for me, the to e, the characters, the puzzles, all of it.

I much preferred the second to the first. WD1 had a weird, unpleasant, charmless atmosphere to it. WD2 has a lot more character.

I kinda enjoyed 1 and completed it. I pretty much bounced off 2 after an hour and haven’t been back.

Pretty much where I ended up, played WD1 despite the standard dead-relative motivation and oddly murdery main character, finding the open world and side quests fun enough. Actually liked the T-Bone DLC. And then had a hard meh after about an hour or so with WD2 once I met the hacker collective. I’m sure it will click one of these days.

I’m only a little way in, but if you start from the idea that you’re playing the bad guy, that helps. Every time you don’t murder a bunch of people it feels like a major part of your character arc.

WD1 = A gifted electrician (who is also a psychopath) in GTA Chicago

WD2 = Michael/Nomi from Sense8 (who is also a psychopath…n-nani?) in GTA San Francisco

I much preferred the grittier WD1. San Francisco in WD2 is brilliantly realized, but I couldn’t get over the “Hello Fellow Kids” wokefulness of WD2.