Watchmen Chapters 1 & 2 - Movies with an animated giant blue dude

Not sure we needed this, but am curious to watch it. The Snyder movie was a pretty good adaptation visually, but has its weaknesses. The “motion comic” thing was an odd curiosity, but not much fun to watch, so there is definitely space for a new version.

I preferred the Snyder take. Especially the way the main plot developed made more sense to me.

Plus Jackie Earle Haley was so good as Rorschach.

Is this one going to keep to the original novel, particularly with the climax or switch it up a la Snyder? I liked the movie and the limited series that came after (HBO?), but one that translates the novel directly may be an enjoyable rewatch of the story.

I’ll watch it, I guess, but it’s gonna be hard to not have the movie cast in my head while doing so. I thought Snyder did a perfect job casting.

Well, that trailer looks like a very straight-up adaptation.

Yep, it was on HBO. I forgot about that one, since I never finished it and gave up after 2 eps I think… Lots of people liked it, though its clearly a weird spin-off reimagining that an actual adaptation.

I really don’t understand why this needs to exist. The Snyder version was great despite its flaws (fight me!) and basically visually followed the comics to the T. (despite the plot change, which was actually better, IMO)

I guess I will watch this, because I am a sucker for the Watchmen, but … are a lot of normal people going to watch this?

Watching the teaser: Uggh, it is the faux cel-cgi stuff that the Sony Spiderman animated films does, but bad. Like, that style looks amazing if it is done with the budget and skill that Sony has done, but without that, it just looks pretty uggo. I was hoping this was actually cel animated, but WB ain’t gonna spend that kind of money on an IP cash-in?

Also, who is the voice cast? And the reddit thread pointed out, they made a Watchmen motion comic, which looks really slick, why not just watch that?

I agree, but my friend is all excited about the squid for some reason. And the Black Freighter.

The one thing about the MC is that one dude did ALL of the voices, male and female, and that’s slightly offputting.

Plus, it’s a motion comic, which is not at all the same thing as a fully animated movie.

No, I think I’d rather give you a good ol’ pat on the back :)

It makes me feel good to see that so many of you guys share my love for that movie. I thought it was great, and I never understood how it ended up getting critically panned and berated.

I’ve since bought the comic book, and read it, and I still don’t get it. It felt like what I saw on the screen - minus Tales of the Black Freighter, which was great, but probably would’ve been pretty confusing as part of the movie.

It had its moments, but it got so incredibly, unbelievably stupid in the end. You dodged a bullet there.

My only problem with Snyder’s Watchmen is that godawful Hallelujah needle drop.

I was typing in the same thing. Tough competition to have the worst use of an extremely overplayed song, but Watchmen manages it.

I didn’t like the movie and felt Snyder kind of missed the point. I should revisit it now that I’ve seen somebody completely misread the source – thanks Lindelof.

There’s a super-duper edition that has TotBF in there. It’s…OK. I kind of glossed over those in the comic, too. I only have the super edition that has extended scenes and a few cut ones, I believe.

So I did not totally remember what you were referring to, and my initial thought was “Oh god, what did Snyder do now” because I know he’s capable of doing some truly stupid stuff, but I went back and watched it, and you know what? I don’t mind it.

I’ve just had stupid Leonard Cohen trying to screw with my enjoyment of McCabe & Mrs Miller, but using that song for a sex scene seems fine to me. I also think the flamethrower ejaculation is fun, and I like that the sequence ends in death.

To me that’s an example of Snyder not being an idiot :)

I have a real soft spot for stories about experiences that change heroes into villains. Non-stupid ones, not the whole “I dropped my ice cream, so now I’m mad at humanity” that a lot of movies settle for.

Those always fascinated me, so The Black Freighter is exactly my bag.

In the graphic novel, it’s the author’s way of explaining everything that’s happened to the characters, but I don’t think I’d appreciate it as part of the movie.

Maybe I’ll give it a shot next time I watch the Watchmen :)