
Right, at this point all we’re waiting for is news of a preteen prostitution ring and rape charges.

Slippery slope, what would political discussions be without you?

Denying getting a blowjob is not “Deceiving the public.” It’s human nature. Dan Savage doesn’t give a shit about whether Weiner resigns, at least when it comes to politics. Dan Savage writes about sex, from a “sex positive” angle. IE - fucking is not some bestial urge that society should be repressing. It should be a celebrated part of life that people can discuss honestly.

He’s not an ideologue, a few weeks ago he lead a e-mail campaign against a democratic mayor who backed off of a commitment he made on the campaign trail to stick up for marriage equality. That was a lie, and a lie worth persecuting the guy for - he lied about his stance on marriage equality to get elected.

Mark Weiner lied about photo’s of his dick to protect his family and career from persecution. Unfortunately, that lie was immediately caught, making the whole matter that much worse.

Savage has been saying from the get go that he wishes Weiner had NOT lied, because it could have been a great moment for open dialogue about sex. The “right to lie” is more about the right not to disclose than anything else. Everyone should have that right, especially when it comes to their personal lives and sexuality - especially in a society that stigmatizes sex so liberally (pun intended?)

What an asinine turn of phrase. Lying about something does not make you “a proven liar” whatever that means. That’s like calling someone who shit their pants at some point “a proven pants shitter.” I mean, it’s technically true, I guess, but is ultimately meaningless.

Left with mixture of utter hyperbole and willful blindness, apparently.

I don’t think Weiner is airquotes “guilty” of any crimes; my point is he completely destroyed any credibility he had by aggressively lying for a week. Now it will take an investigation to attempt to get at the truth. Would anyone be shocked if they found out now he was having one of these relationships with another (even one who was unintentionally underage) girl? Again, I am not saying that he was, only that our capacity for shock has been diminished directly in proportion to his previous lies and those he let others tell about him.

It has a very precise meaning: Someone who is categorically known to poop in their britches. We aren’t talking about “lying about something”; we are talking about a concerted campaign on Weiner’s behalf to deceive the public. Has the deception ended? Has everything that he attempted to hide been brought to light? We don’t have any proof of that other than Weiner’s already, to continue to use Gabe’s metaphor, defecated-upon word. I don’t know about you but if someone consistently shits their pants for a week, a “pants shitter” suffix would be apropos until their behavior changed. At least, I be concerned for the safety of their underwear in an unsupervised setting for quite some time.

I guess this puts a new twist on Weiner’s “coming clean”. <mental image deleted>

Mental disorder is so wishy-washy. He is enslaved to his carnal passions to the detriment of his judgement and common sense. Most men are enslaved to their cock to one degree or another. However, once you get past certain levels on the scale, you probably shouldn’t be doing things like holding a security clearance or serving past a certain level of government office. If Weiner wants to be a assistant manager at Best Buy, I could care less that he has less self control than a teenage boy. If he wants to be in Congress, I care a bit more.

Why is Breitbart carrying around a photo of a erect Jewish penis on his cellphone? Do all conservative bloggers do that? Is that a medical conditional he should seek help for?

rhino: To sufficiently toture this metaphor; It’s not like he’s lying in a vacuum, he’s lying about his cock. His cock was wandering around the forest trying to find things to screw, while doing this, a lion saw his cock and started chasing him. His response was to shit his pants. He could have tried to fight the lion, or scare it off or hide. But he decided to shit his pants to try and distract it.

I guess that makes him a “proven” whatever, but it doesn’t make that label any less meaningless. Saying that he would necessarily lie about anything else is kind of up to how much you think the ability to lie is tied to circumstance. I’m not a liar, but I’ve lied when backed into a corner about an uncomfortable subject. I’ll bet you have too.

That’s when you start thinking about, “Man, I totally should have scoped this place out fully before wandering around naked.” Nothing quite like that moment, though.

President Obama Kind of Tells Anthony Weiner to Resign

So what? No one is setting the expectation that people in Washington aren’t people. Again, we aren’t talking about personal lies, little white lies, lies to spouse/SO/GF about whatever. Weiner is a Representative in the U.S. House; he called press conferences and then lied to the media and through them, us.

Would it make you happier if I had said, “Weiner has been proven to lie about this subject”? I still wouldn’t trust his word about a bill he wrote, lend him money, or buy a used car from him. I guess, though, when faced with these circumstances, one have to take one’s victories where one can find them.

EDIT: To be clear, while I know I sound harsh and have known contrary ideological views to Mr. Weiner, I don’t think that criminal charges are warranted based on what we know now or that Anthony Weiner is irredeemable as person. We are indeed all fallible and all salvageable. He is obviously talented and will profit as a media figure on the Left. He should, however, stop trying to weather this storm of his own making and let us all come in out of the rain.

Well I certainly wouldn’t give him my cell number. But, seriously, he lied about something that no one should give two shits about. I barely have the energy to argue about it. Oh, wait, there it is.

Hyperbole? You’re the one that’s breathlessly speculating about what depths of depravity he maybe sunk to or potentially has the capacity to sink to.

I’m not being willfully blind. I’d just prefer to judge him based on, you know, facts.

Who’s breathless? All I said was we don’t know what other things he has been hiding. You unzipped the slippery slope. You are judging him on “the facts”? Which facts? You mean the ones he provided to you?


“The circle is now complete, Senator. When last you posted, I was but the wiper. Now, I am the pooper.”

“Only a pooper on Twitter, Congressman.”

And fin.

Wait wait — his cock was wandering around and shat its pants? Or his response to his cock being chased by a lion was to shit his pants? Was he in the forest too? How did he know about it?

What rain? Seriously, is it that big of a deal that it’s metaphorically raining on the American people now? It’s a TMZ kind of story. It was entertaining but now it’s gotten boring. I bet most people don’t even care about the story now or about whether he resigns – he’s a member of Congress, after all, and we know that most of them pander and lie and put their own interests and party interests ahead of the interests of the public. Is dishonesty was the litmus test, most of them should resign.

As to not trusting him on a bill he wrote, where is the need for trust? The bill is there in black and white. You can read it. You can get a record of his voting. About the only thing you can’t trust him on if you feel he’s an inveterate liar at this point is his campaign promises. And do you really trust the campaign promises of any politician?

President Obama Kind of Tells Anthony Weiner to Resign

Wow. Well, there it is. Everyone is scared to death of 2012.

Also, I’ve never quite understood the “distraction” argument. Is it meant to imply congressmen won’t be able to meet in committee to discuss the pressing issues of the day? “I’d like to talk about plans to draw down troops levels in Afghanistan, but there’s no room in my brain to think about anything except Anthony Weiner’s cock!” And if he resigns, you can stop thinking about it?

It’s easy not to be distracted by things. Just stop being distracted by them.

Politician lies! Well duh it’s what they do…

Politician lies about sex! Well duh it’s what they do…

Complex shit.

Weiner should try to get ahead of the story by having an extensive nude photo session, and just releases hundreds upon hundreds of pictures of his nude, erect body. Sure, it will shock people for a few days, but then any further pictures that bubble up wouldn’t have any effect on people.

Also, I think he’d be into it.

…which was an accident, and we only know about it because a known troll somehow got the picture, then hyped it to the media, then somehow managed to get a bunch more and is releasing them. He’s no innocent naif here, but it’s also not like he decided to start running around the capital building naked.

Why not? Because it looks bad?

Right, while suggesting that his targets might be underage calling into question every facet of his career and character. Who knows what he’s been slipping into bills? I sure wouldn’t lend any money to him! etc etc

You are judging him on “the facts”? Which facts? You mean the ones he provided to you?


No, I mean the evidence of wrongdoing/misbehavior. Like penis pics. Check out dictionary.com and similar sites, they can describe to you what facts and evidence are.