
AFAIK there’s been nothing investigative beyond what bloggers have done with the picture source and a lot of outraged “well his press secretary wouldn’t answer our questions A BLOO BLOO BLOO” type whining from news anchors.

Like…Andrew Breitbart?

Supposedly the Exif data for the picture does not match that of Breitbart’s camera phone. Maybe he keeps a secret separate model phone for all his sexting needs, who knows. Also, the person who retweeted the picture happens to have a history of harassing the woman who supposedly is Weiner’s weiner target.

Using an @reply rather than a direct message, could be one time mistake. But to also host the image on your pre-existing yfrog account, where the image is public and the account name is your real name? He must have been wasted.

As to whether the tweet actually came from his account, it is kinda nuts that that still isn’t confirmed. Someone must have a record, other than the one suspicious guy patriot76.

Weiner says he can’t say if it’s him or not. So there are pictures of his crotch in existence is the only logical conclusion. What a bonehead

Now the story is back to “hacked” and he has hired a private firm to investigate.

Rep. Anthony Weiner (D., N.Y.) to MSNBC’s Luke Russert:‘I Can’t Say With Certitude’ Lewd Photo Wasn’t Me.

Representative, actually.

I didn’t know he was married, maybe I was confusing him with Rahm? Who’s apparently also married. Who the hell was I thinking of?

Upgrade Weiner to “probably lying, slightly lulzy that he’s married.”

If it were Anthony Weiner (R-NY), you would be making dick jokes and cracking wise about how no Republican can ever keep it in their pants.

Correct! I still wouldn’t really care, however. It doesn’t imply much in the way of ethical things like, say, dumping your wife who’s in the hospital for cancer (Gingrich), or knocking up your campaign aide and lying that the kid isn’t yours while your wife has cancer (Edwards).

wahoo – considering how well-endowed that junk-shot is, I don’t blame him for playing coy. Unless he were to say “no, that’s not me, even after coming out of a cold shower, I’m waaayyyyy bigger than that.” :p

This may be the worst example of crisis management in a while. Once you pass step zero (“don’t send pictures of your dick to anyone, in fact why are you even taking pictures of your dick?”), it gets more difficult. But this is just painful.

Real talk: how does BreitBart maintain that permanent 5 o’ clock shadow 24/7?

It’s how he keeps it real when he sends pics of himself in his underwear to his Twitterfollowers.

UPDATE!!!: Politicos not quite as smooth as they think they are.

Weiner goes on CNN, makes it even worse.

After again denying he sent the image, Blitzer asked if he’s ever taken photos “like this” before. Weiner replied that “there are photos out there” (He gave a similarly cryptic/smarmy reply when reporters asked him a few minutes earlier if he was in the photos. “There are photographs of me in the world, yes,” he said.) At which point Blitzer brought out the heavy artillery, showing the image and asking “You would know if these were your underpants?”

At which point the room started getting fuzzy.

He really just needs to shut the hell up at this point - like Clinton, he believes he’s smarter than everyone else on the planet and can word-salad his way out of anything. That to me is a bit more offensive than sending someone a photo of his underwear.


But is the photograph – a close up of a man’s underwear – a photograph of Anthony Weiner?

“I’m reluctant to say anything definitively about this because I don’t know to what extent our system was hacked,” he said.

Obviously, this means he takes so many pictures of his penis, he’s unsure if that specific picture is one of his or not.

He needs to stop going on about doctored photos. I don’t even know how that’s relevant given there’s no face in the picture. I could see someone hacking his account and doing this as a joke and it seems like he should have stuck to that story and moved on.

Edit: It could have also been one of his staff, logged into the wrong account, and he’s trying to spare his staff the embarrassment. That’s a pretty generous reading though. We’ll find out eventually. It’s not like it matters and to my knowledge, Weiner hasn’t been some family values moral crusader.

Politicians don’t have to be family values moral police in order to have something like this harm their career, though. They are held to a higher standard by most voters, whether that’s fair or not. A married representative should not be sending pics of his penis to some other woman over Twitter. It’s just stupid stupid stupid. I’m not sure that he did this, but it will be a big deal if true, whether it should be or not.

I’m not sure anybody should be sending pictures of their penis to anybody over twitter.

He’s actually married to Huma Abedin, long time aide to Hillary Clinton. Their wedding was presided over by Bill Clinton.

Make your own irony jokes.

He’s a powerful Democrat in a safe district. Assuming we know all there is to know, there is almost no chance he’ll suffer long term for this, so long as he doesn’t do something stupid like resign.

As long as David Vitter is still a Senator I really don’t think Weiner has anything to worry about, assuming he doesn’t continue to give interviews that shoot himself in the foot with a flamethrower.

My first impression of this ‘scandal’ was that this was exactly what he said - oops, someone else got on my account.

He should have shut up then.

Now, with his non-denial of whether or not his penis is in that picture . . . I see this going all Rep. Lee in the future.

Seriously, stfu, Weiner