Werewolves vs Vampires

And SmashUp!

Just saying though, pirates were a real thing, lots of records. Ninjas, if the source isn’t Japanese, it’s garbage. Even if it is… very likely highly fantasized.

At least werewolves and vampires are two made-up things, so if someone likes the silly twinkly version, well it’s as made-up as the original idea is.

I mean, it would be ninjas anyway. Psh.



No you.

In the Harry Dresden books by Jim Butcher, various courts of vampires play an important role. In that version, the vamps are top-tier bad-asses for sure. I’ve always thought of werewolves as more like individuals who could become very physically powerful in certain situations, while vampires, especially the old ones, are like magic users and nearly unkillable and wear black and stuff.

Fun story: A friend and I invented the ninja vs pirates debate to give us something to argue about when we had run out of duties as production assistants at a video game studio circa 2002. Not saying we’re the source of the whole meme–clearly it’s an idea that just resonates with people, and we never shared it outside our office. But it didn’t take us (and many coworkers) long to realize it was a very powerful idea. Wish I remember precisely what inspired it. I do remember a whiteboard covered with stickfigure ninjas and pirates killing each other, and one of our coworkers trying very hard to convince us that “vikings” made it a trinity (the motion was denied).

There was a game I used to play on Facebook called ‘Pirates vs Ninjas vs Vikings’, or something like that.

That’s clear copyright infringement. @Nightgaunt should sue.

AD&D 2nd Edition is of course canon for these debates. And there’s no contest.

And the most basic level, a commoner can kill a werewolf with a silver knife they might find in their kitchen. Whereas a vampire requires magical weapons to even hit it. Plus the charm, regen, and gaseous form ensures the commoner and most adventurers are just food.

Vampires posses a dizzying array of abilities. Werewolves just have teeth.

The overgrown dog stands no chance against the vampire.

We’re werewolves, not swearwolves!

You mean “The Octagon” wasn’t real?..I’m devastated.

Fairly obvious that these days it would devolve into vampires shooting werewolves shooting vampires. One with garlic tipped bullets, and the other with silver.

That said I’d probably throw my hat in with the vampires. Lack of opposable thumbs once a month will inevitably take its toll. Y’aint shootin’ straight without those.

This debate has already been settled.

Actually, after thinking on the subject extensively for the past hour (what else does one do when a deadline looms) it appears I’ve been remiss in full consideration of the possibilities of paranormal modern warfare. It now seems obvious that the werewolves would quickly exterminate the vampire threat via deployment of aerosol bombs filled with holy water (mixed with garlic for good measure). The impact on infrastructure and civilian lives would be minimal and there would be little problem with running sustained bombing campaigns against vampire enclaves located even in the middle of densely populated cities.

Vampires could counter with protective exosuits, of course, but as a result would lose the inherent mobility that would give them the edge in the first place. On the weaponry side, perhaps silver dust could be deployed as an aerosol also but I have some doubts as to the lethality. A standard gasmask would seem to nullify it, for example, and I don’t know if inhalation/digestion would lead to much more than a coughing fit and/or dysentery in the wolves. Of course, the gasmask design would have to accommodate a snout, as well as address the no opposing thumbs issue previously mentioned (non-trivial, as any dog owner witnessing their mutt struggle with a vet cone can attest).

Of course, modern vampire lore discounts the efficacy of both holy water and garlic, and often even sunlight just diminishes their powers, and does not extinguish them (powers and existence). But classic vampire lore, like Nosferatu and what not, is much cooler really.

It is fair to assume that any modern ‘lore’ is just pro-vampire propaganda, meant to paint a hopeless struggle and thus paralysing the proletariat into submission without the need for armed conflict.

This is actually closer to classic lore. The sunlight thing kind of came around with the Nosferatu movie. The Dracula book and vampire stories of the 1800s sunlight just diminished power IIRC.

oMg none of you played World of Darkness (the original games)!!! The GAROU were so damn powerful only the most Ancient of Vampires would melee them. Werewolves in WoD could take and dish out damage beyond belief. Thats WITHOUT the full moon. on FULL MOON. OH BOY! BYE BYE TWILIGHT! They are bereserkers and some were breed to kill Vampires. poor vampy… do not cry!

I almost cried to death as a Lasombra vampire in WoD, back in the 90s… when I was cool… hiding in darkness and turning cool people on my side. Then some garou showed there true power and smelled me even with all my hiding powers… almost bit me to death. I had 4 dots in hiding darkness powers, almost near max!

See, though, while a bad-ass werewolf one on one might take an average vampire, the vamps tend to organize. Like in real life, one super soldier will fall easily to an organized platoon of average grunts!