Westphalia: The End of the Thirty Years War Play by Forum

@Ironsight I’ll also point out that attacking me doesn’t help you recatholicize at the moment-you should let me take some territory from Austria and then you can reconquer it, unless you think he’ll give it to you voluntarily.

@Cuthbert Attacking you would not help with recatholicizing, but there might be other good reasons.

What sort of positioning are you offering?

(Sorry about that gents. Migraine for two days straight, not thinking straight.)

France would only really be bottled up if someone stays in Alsace - the friendly movement restriction is only for interception.

There aren’t, I promise!!

Hope you feel better soon. And yes, that sounds like a good reason to attack Alsace. ;)

Too high on the tolerance track and I lose, but I’m willing to give you one bump up on the tolerance track for it. You already gain from distributing the trade agreement, so I think it’s fair.

@Cuthbert, if you want to make a binding agreement not to attack each other’s German territory, I would be amenable. Austria values peace.

I believe we can only make one turn binding agreements, but I am certainly willing to do that, and we can definitely renew it next turn. Is that correct/acceptable? @CF_Kane

I would agree to the following:

Austria agrees not to attempt to remove any French claims from the map for the next military phase. France agrees not to attempt to remove any Austrian claims from the map for the next military phase.

Note that all unclaimed spaces are considered to have Austrian claims.

@Cuthbert I’m also agreeable to not attacking you in the upcoming campaign season if you will take one point of debt from me in exchange.

Hm, I would prefer to expand that to “France and Austria will not attempt to remove each other’s claims, or attack or intercept each other’s armies, and the Austrian army will not enter Alsace*, during the upcoming military phase”

*Only because you could then sit there and say “I’m not touching you I’m not touching you” and I would have no recourse.

I propose the same deal as above, plus the one debt.

@Cuthbert, I cannot give up all ability to intercept, in case things become dire for my Bavarian ally. I can agree to not occupying Alsace.

All right, then, as you proposed, with the addition of the Alsace proviso.

@Cuthbert So our agreement is as follows for the upcoming campaign:

France and Bavaria will not attempt to remove each other’s claims, or attack or intercept each other’s armies, and the Bavarian army will not enter Alsace, during the upcoming military phase. France assumes one point of Bavarian debt as part of the agreement.

If that is what you meant then Agreed.

Agreed @Ironsight

I should have held out.

@CF_Kane LOL

@Cuthbert I adjusted debt down one for Bavaria and up one for France.

Are we ready to start the military campaigning?