Westphalia: The End of the Thirty Years War Play by Forum

Next up is the Gold, Commerce, and Unrest Steps.

Gold Step

@Navaronegun. For the Gold roll, I will roll a die for Spain. If the roll is greater than the number of Dutch ships, Spain gains a prestige. If it is equal to or less than the number of Dutch ships, Spain adds 2 debt. The Dutch have 4 ships.

Spain rolls a 1, gaining 2 debt (going to 21 total).

Commerce Step

@Kolbex. For the Commerce roll, I will roll a die. If the result is less than or equal to the number of Dutch ships (4), the Dutch draw a commerce card. If the result is greater than the number of Dutch ships, they draw nothing.

A 4 is just barely good enough to draw a commerce card. Over at Board Game Geek, Tom confirmed that commerce cards are public. I did a random number generator on a manifest of the commerce cards, and the Dutch drew a Commerce Card with Value 3.

Unrest Step

Sweden (@Panzeh) and France (@Cuthbert) must jointly decide whether they want to flip 0, 1, or 2 unrest cards. The unrest cards say either Tolerance or Liberties, and have a debt value. If either Sweden or France elects to take on the debt value printed on the card to move the indicated track one space. If they elect not to take on the debt, Austria has the opportunity to take on the debt and move the indicated track down one space.

Over to @Panzeh and @Cuthbert to figure out how many cards to draw.

I would say zero cards but I could be convinced to do one.@Panzeh

I’m content with Zero for now.

I believe that takes us to the Final Step. All 7 of my units will be in my army and I have no further trades unless someone wants to make me an offer I can’t refuse.

Edit - The board is messed up. The Arrears chart is covering the other chart. I don’t want to mess with it but it needs to be fixed.

Fixed, sorry. I don’t know enough about google drive to figure out how to lock the cell sizes on the charts. And I don’t know enough about VASSAL to make a module.

@Kolbex, would you like to trade your commerce card for positioning on the Tolerance track?

Also, @Cuthbert has 11 units to distribute between the Netherlands army and the HRE army.

Let’s say…5 in the Netherlands and 6 in Germany

I’ll represent that as 5/6 on the table.

For everyone else, the number in the troops table is their army size.

Austria: 8
Bavaria: 7
Dutch: 6 (and 2 ships, after we return half to the pool)
France: 5/6
Spain: 7
Sweden: 8

This is about the point where I’d start discussing possible military options with my allies in private, but I see no point in doing that in public.

Not interfering here, but if I was France I’d probably try to find a way to get 1 or 2 more troops in Germany, just because Bavaria and Austria has so many, and are likely to make a play for Alsace. If France were to have to intercept themselves, they would only win the battle on a non-doubles roll of 9, 10, or 11 with a strength of 6 troops. Or I’d see if I can get Sweden, with its strength of 8, to agree, publicly, to intervene should Bavaria attack Alsace (Sweden would win the battle on a non-doubles roll of 7, 8, 9, 10, or 11; said agreement might work as a deterrent to such operations on Bavaria’s part.) I’m about to go out the door and I can’t be bothered to figure out the statistics, minus doubles, off-hand, but 6 troops against 7, if the 7 is defending, is a harder nut to crack than 8 against 7 or even 7 against 7 (the latter succeeding on a 8, 9, 10, or 11).

Well, I don’t know about going back, but asking @Panzeh to intervene seems like a good idea. What do you say? I won’t be able to help you if I’m bottled up all game

I won’t make any commitments, but I will say I do feel safer to interfere with Bavaria’s moves going after them, and that an opportunity to slap the Catholics around and get the tolerance track up is appealing.

@tomrussell According to the Interception rules it looks like a player has to trace a chain of friendly areas to an attacked area to intercept. I don’t see how Sweden could do that if Bavaria, or Austria, attack Alsace as you suggest. What am I missing?

Brain fart, disregard.

Okay my new deft and subtle plan, as per the rule book, is as follows:
If I get bottled up in Germany, all my troops are going to The Netherlands to hammer Spain in the next turns, which will cause Austria to lose, so, Austria, pretty please don’t attack me. @CF_Kane

Stupid question: what colors are the Countries’ pieces? I never saw a key.

@Cuthbert Not sure what you mean by

…all my troops…

You can’t move an army from one theater to another.


(white) Sweden
(blue) France
(red) Spain
(yellow) Bavaria
(orange) Dutch Republic
(black) Austria

No but I can switch units around each turn, so I can transfer some/all from Germany to The Netherlands, and put my reinforcements there.

@Cuthbert OK, sure.