WH40K---Battefleet Gothic: Armada

So no thread on this upcoming PC game, yet?

I’m a sucker for WH40K, RTSs, and capital ships. The ships seem to be moving faster than I would have expected based on the fiction.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfBjZTm8IV4 (Imperium)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63qOrP4WtFg (Chaos)

IANAL, but in my inexpert opinion, Stepsongrapes just got served! Heyoooo!

Editor’s Note: I’ve had very little sleep but copious amounts of caffeine.

Sad face.

I searched for “Gothic” but didn’t see anything. Either I’m blind, or I misspelled it. Super sad face.

The thread doesn’t get many updates because there is basically zero info about this game.