What a beautiful day in Michigan!

It is 72 degrees today here in the Detroit metro area. In the dead of winter. Today I saw a report that this February has been the second warmest on record, with an average high temperature of 48 and 24 days with some sunshine. That beats the overall average of 31 degrees by 17! 72 is of course a record high, beating the old record for this date by 9 degrees. Crazy!

Don’t forget the temps are going to fall off a cliff tonight! 24 hours from now it’s forecasted to be anywhere from 45 to 50 degrees colder than it is right now.

From what I saw this is pretty much guaranteed to be the warmest winter on record statewide. We’ve had maybe 3 inches of snow in February and it’s been absurdly sunny.

Big worry for me is that plants seem to be about a month ahead of schedule. My garlic popped up in early February, and driving around today I saw some trees with very swollen buds. If things get too far along they’ll be vulnerable to a late cold snap which has not been uncommon the last several winters even though winters have been trending noticeably warmer during that time.

Quick update, I just had what I assumed was going to a severe weather watch pop up in my weather app but turned out to be a Winter Weather Advisory :)

Yeah, today was warmer than most of the days I spent in Florida over the last couple of months. I went for a run in shorts and t-shirt here in Caledonia. Usually in February in west Michigan, that’s asking for frostbite.

I remember several years where the cherry crops got burned badly by warm snaps followed by freezes.

Yea that’s nuts! Had to get lots of labs done this morning. Was glorious.

Yesterday was beautiful in Ohio. I’m off work on Mondays, had the house to myself, so I walked the dog, sat on the deck reading book 7 of Katherine Kerr’s Deverry Cycle, shot some basketball with the son once he came home from school, fired up the air fryer in the garage for some chicken nuggets, etc.

The front pushing in from the west today is going to wreck all that.

Yep, put on shorts and a t shirt and played some disc golf. There have been plenty of years where we get a weird 65 degree day in January or early February, but it only lasted a day. We’ve had two weeks of solid 55+ temps with a lot of 60s and 70s. Not normal. New normal, but not normal.

Yeah, it was 78 in Kansas City, and it will be 19 degrees tonight. That really strong wind from the North hit us around 3pm and has already cooled us down to about 59 in two hours.

Life in the Jet Stream, slowly make you lose your mind . . .

We’re dipping but still jumping right back to the fifties, should be the thirties.

Local news tonight said that today’s high was a record not just for Feb 27th, but for any February day in recorded history. It hit 74 in the Grand Rapids area.

It’s like weather alert Pokemon, gotta catch em all.