What are your other hobbies?

My other hobbies are reading, films, writing. Film-making used to be one as well, then I got into film school and now I’m a commercial film editor, so it takes away all my time from personal film making. I also love board games and paper and pencil RPGs, but I never have the time to play those out.

I stalk and kill whores on the Jersey Turnpike.

Movies, TV, reading, fly-fishing, backpacking, hiking, biking, cooking.

other hobbies include:

fishing, and martial arts.

Let’s see…Karaoke, seeing my girlfriend’s bands (she’s in 3), Firefly activities and events (yes, I’m that big a Firefly fan), reading books about aviation, watch good tv shows on DVD (like, again, Firefly)…

I used to act. At one point I might have fancied myself a young Tom Chick, had I known who Tom Chick was back in 1988. Furthest I ever got was a few local Fringes shows after pursuing theater through high school and college. It was worth it for being compared to a human Bill the Cat in one review, though.

My main hobbies outside gaming now are reading and writing. The writing had fallen off over the last few years but I’m getting back into it. Nurturing the muse has definitely helped improve my overall outlook on things.

Reading, writing (I do academic and fiction, but only the fiction is a hobby), football (probably my biggest hobby). I used to play guitar and was pretty good, but I don’t play anymore. Maybe when I move out of my apartment, I can set it up again and play. For now, it would make too much noise.

Big-time Longhorn football fan.
Playin’ the cello.


Traveling to my Judo club

I figured it deserves a separate listing because I spend twice as long on the transit to and from the club than I actually spend training. But it does let me catch up on my reading.

I like fucking.

With a two-year old in the house, I spend more time thinking about hobbies than actually doing them, and that includes gaming. But to be honest, even before she came around, I didn’t do too much either. But I always intend to read, write, watch movies, take pictures, do a little film editing, bike, and play lacrosse. Every once in a while I get a bug to do something like 3-D modeling, teach myself programming, or woodworking but that rarely lasts long.

Really? What do you like to fuck?

Forum surfing, kayaking, climbing, programming, motorcycle riding, travelling.

I collect spores, molds, and fungus.

There’s a joke here, but I’m too tired to make it.

Lets hear it for masturbation!

I thought you were joking at first, then I rememebered that you’re married with kids.

Wasn’t Nathan’s line a quote from Ghostbusters? Or maybe I’m misremembering…

Print is dead.

I climb, read, swing dance, and sit for art classes.