What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

“As for eating the cassowary, it is supposed to be quite tough. Australian administrative officers stationed in New Guinea were advised that it “should be cooked with a stone in the pot: when the stone is ready to eat so is the Cassowary”.[27]

Vader, John, New Guinea: The Tide is Stemmed. NY, Ballantine Books: 1971, p. 35.

Doesn’t taste like chicken, like if a chicken grew ten foot high and ate people tasting chicken huh?

What could possibly go wrong? Well, because this guy apparently doesn’t understand how cell membranes work… nothing. With no packaging technique to ferry CRISPER through the cell membrane his little stunt was stupid and pointless.

I’m going to assume that’s fake.

Also, the backstory to Horizon Zero Dawn.

It didn’t go well for the humans.

Burying corpses simply leaves too many unanswered questions. Better to break them down into their simpler chemical components so that they can no longer be accurately identified.

Yep. That’s what I do.



ha ha dumbshits

On the one hand, they died so it’s tragic for their families.

On the other hand: Darwin Award winners, and hopefully neither have kids.

I like to think that this was Boss Hogg and his lackey, in pursuit of the Duke boys that had previously jumped the bridge and rode off into the sunset.

FYI, this is what they tried to jump. Notice how the drawbridge doesn’t really go up but rather swings to the side like a gate.

So they had no ramp? That really is Darwin award material.

No ramp makes me think that they did not intend to complete the jump.

Physics should be mandatory in schools.

Or common sense.

There is a ramp, but it’s far, far too steep too suddenly. A ton of velocity is lost hitting it.

Sweet ramps for jumps should be mandatory. That might cut down on the popularity of SUVs.

So I used to think that most of the high-flying car jumps you saw in movies were no where near possible with most street cars until I saw this accident footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCN49AyVXsc

That car gets an incredible amount of air just hitting that side embankment.

Think how GM could turn their sad finances around by offering an auto-jack jump feature like the Mach 5 used to have on Speed Racer… It could cost upwards of $100,000 and the company would be able to clean up on life insurance for anyone who selected the option.