What do you remember that shows your age?

When you wanted to get rid of your car you left it under the train trestle around the corner from my grandma’s house on east 15th street. It would be stripped clean by the morning. I suppose you would collect the car insurance? You could walk safely through that area as a kid. That was back in the 60s.

That’s like 8 streets from my grandpa.

We played chinese handball in high school in ~1990! We called it Chinese handball and it had to bounce once on the floor so it was valid. We played in the cafeteria so I guess that’s the only way to make it travel less. Some kid invented a double bounce variety later on, but I forget the name.

Shooting bottle rockets on the metal streetlights.p in Brooklyn. They used to have this indentation that was perfect . You leaned the bottle rocket in the crevice on the light pole and it would follow the light pole straight up.

Thank you!

Yes, you reminded me about the one bounce. If someone missed hitting it you went to the bottom of the line and everyone shifted to the left. The Ace has to protect his/her position.

We played touch football in the street all year long, even in the winter. Pausing only when a car would come along.

I remember now, the 2-bounce variety was Malaysian.

I remember playing Throwball during recess in grade school.
Throwball is played exactly like baseball, except you use one of those playground-type balls you’d find at schools, and no bat or pitcher. You’d just stand at home plate with the ball and throw it where you wanted to. From that point on, the rules were the same as baseball.
Doesn’t sound like much, but it was actually a lot of fun, as you could get a bit strategic as to where you threw the ball. The size of the ball prevented you from throwing it very far, but because you had control over exactly where the ball went, you could easily make first base, and second pretty frequently. Home runs were rare.

Aside from certain tech things, it seems like a lot of the stuff that was popular when I was kid, is popular again… like right now popular. Even Jelly Shoes.


I blew out my flip flop
Stepped on a pop top
Cut my heel had to cruise on back home.

The definitive ‘what I remember that shows my age’?


Kings in Satan’s Service or Knights in Satan’s Service, and would we ever know what they really looked like???

Hey that reminds me, remember when Adidas meant ‘All Day I Dream About Sex’?

And the reverse, of course.

Sex All Day Is Definitely American.

Please Do Not Throw Sausage Pizza Away

I’m sitting here waiting for my around 8-10 minute install of Tropico 6 beta which will clearly dominate my night, and I’m thinking, wow when did I get so impatient.

I remember the days when you would have like 6 discs, it would take forever to download, and lucky you, it came with a printed manual, so you could sit on the couch or on your bed and read the whole thing while your game just kept installing.

And now i am like, 3 minutes left, wth.

Right before I got to this part I was thinking, “At least you could read the manual!”

Yeah but games were never ever patched, so they had to work right.

The Onkyo stereo receiver that I bought when I graduated law school. Note that the volume went way past 11.

In the early 70s, my dad was in the audio recording business. He brought one of these home, and I used it to record stuff off of FM radio: