What do you remember that shows your age?

Didn’t Waldenbooks used to have like an entire Software, Etc embedded in some of their larger stores? Or maybe my memory is playing tricks on me.

I think Software Etc was Barnes and Nobles, but I could be wrong because the B&N ate the waldenbooks.Or maybe that was starbucks.

OMG that’s where I bought Carmen San Diego. I loved that game because it made my knowledge of world facts useful. I used to read these books with world facts. I can’t remember what they are called. Kinda like the CIA World Factbook. There would be a few pages for every country. I remember I got into a big argument with a Taiwanese kid because he kept saying he came from “China” and I would tell him he was actually from the “Republic of Formosa”. Who was supposed to be right, the one who actually lived there, or the kid armed with his book of Facts?

The game and TV show were great fun.

Yeah I had the 1992 World Fact Book with the blue cover that came with the game. And I would watch the show and always be the one pointing furiously at the map in the end game going ‘no, Nairobi is here! That’s Sudan not Kenya!’

B&N currently carries D&D and RPG stuff.

Yes, we go there every now and then and the last time (maybe 6 weeks ago) they had a large display of D&D stuff.

Almost as bad as this


But that cover is amazing! It gives us this

I had forgotten how bad the early Megaman box art was. Esp if you compare against the Japanese box art at the time.


It’s awesome that someone was paid money to draw this.

Reminds me of the old Battletech TRO art for the Hollander.

You guys know that “Mega Man 1 box Art Mega Man” was a playable fighter in Street Fighter X Tekken, right?

I saw a student on campus wearing a Back to the Future T-Shirt/Sweatshirt yesterday.

I laughed when I remembered that the “Future” they went to was 2015…

… where’s my damn (real) hoverboard, self-lacing sneakers, Holographic Cubs Win! celebration (only a year off!), etc. They did still have Fax machines though…

They were right about being connected through an obnoxious number of sources, digital telepresence, etc. they were wrong about it being fax machines instead of cell phones.

But at least Jaws XIX was awesome.

Cheap stuff used to be made in Taiwan.

Science fiction anticipated many things, but somehow missed the cell phone. I remember William Gibson remarking on how one of the most important scenes in Neuromancer, involving a bank of pay phones, got it wrong.


The communicator was never presented as a phone. It was strictly a two-way device; little more than an advanced walkie-talkie. Yeah, it looks like a flip phone to us, but its creators weren’t thinking phone.

Of course, that didn’t prevent the Boston Legal TV show team from having the ringtone on Denny Crane’s flip phone make the ST communicator chirp. One of the great moments in that series.

Tricorder’s pretty much a smartphone. It gets as much use to talk as a tricorder did.