What have you played in the weekend?

Seems likely to be some MMO action in the pipeline for me… free weekend on FFXIV, and the $5 Elder Scrolls Online + Morrowind thing at Greenman.

Also probably play some LOGistICAL, as well as try to get Runebound Unbreakable Bonds onto the solo table.

I will be playing Bioshock Infinite, and if it is as short as people say it is I will probably be finishing it over the weekend.

Steep Steep and more Steep. I especially love freeform race: get to B from A, in the fastest way possible. It is always great fun to discover new route and new ways to accelerate.

I will be continuing my war against the Canadian Geese that have decided my backyard is their new toilet. We haven’t had rain in so long that the grass in the field behind my place is long dead. The geese have moved onto the watered lawns of the neighborhood. Factor in my dog like to eat goose poop and then throw up in the house and you have the makings of an epic struggle. In the suburbs there is only war.

If I get some free time I will be trying to finish up Prey. I have like a thousand of everything and the typhon respawns have just become a chore but I insist on finding all the dead crew hiding in ceilings.

I have also just started my first few playthroughs of XCOM 2 Have to start over after a full squad wipe at a blacksite. I knew there was a patrol but did not give them the respect they deserved. After setting up my ambush I got flanked by the patrol. I did not know that trying to slash a Muton was a bad idea and it went downhill from there.

Only guarantee is the Project Wingman alpha, with a strong likelihood of a bit more Rocket League for some event currency and a solid chance of some Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak, in which I try to finally figure out how the hell to macro with the Gaalsien.

I digged and plugged my PS2 back at my old place, and I’ve been playing Culdcept 2.
I intend to try again Everblue 2 (which terrified me at some point if I recall), Saru Getchu 2… and maybe Kessen 3 if I figure where I put that game.

Remarstered and Everspace. I went through the backlog and tried Hard Reset, but wow bullet sponge enemies are so fucking annoying and game-breaking.

War… war never changes.

Train your dog to eat the geese and not their crap?

In the grim, goose-filled, dark 21st Century, there is only war, and the laughter of thirsting dogs.

I was hoping to get in some Slay the Spire and Spintires, but a writing deadline with an 8K word goal are preventing any gameplay from occurring.

More RFG ReMarstered so far, maybe something else if time permits.

I was enjoying my time with it, but unfortunately work travel over the last few months has meant I need games that play well on my Surface Pro.

AGEOD games would seem a perfect fit, but for some reason the battle resolution takes minutes, instead of the seconds they should.

As for games, I played ‘fix your car in Cheyanne Wyoming on a Sunday’. 1/5 Stars, would not play again.

I was rather unprepared for how short Bioshock Infinite was and so I hadn’t decided yet what I was going to follow it with. I have kinda narrowed it down to three options, all of which would be the first time playing the game for me. They are…

Dragon Age:Inquisition
Far Cry 2

None of the above. Burial at Sea Parts 1 and 2.

Or if not, then Far Cry 2.

The plan is lots and lots of No Man’s Sky NEXT. Maybe something else like Nioh or Enter the Gungeon. But mostly NMS, I think.

If I can get used to the GUI again No Man’s Sky.

I may look to see what they cost on Steam.

So I priced them and they are $15 a piece. Maybe I will check them out at the next sale.

So I installed Far Cry 2.

All Nioh for me.

Time to log some more hours in No Man’s Sky with the shiny new NEXT update.