What have you played in the weekend?

Xcom2, once the kids are asleep. Scary aliens be scary.

The strangely absorbing Fire Emblem, to chill out after intense sessions of Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, the game that never stops surprising and giving!

I’m playing “attending my nephew’s Bar-Mitzvah in San Francisco*” today and traveling back tomorrow evening. Luckily I have a Decompression Monday scheduled for when I get back to Portland.

*ironically my brother, despite he and his wife being relatively prosperous and living in the Bay Area, has the shittiest internet imaginable. It’s basically DSL speed, at least the WiFi.

Limited free time this weekend due to work, but I hope to squeeze in more playtime with this gem:

Someone has to deliver the mail!

Probably a good bit of Age of Wonders: Planetfall, but likely something else too. Still deciding what though.

I’ll probably play another skirmish game of Age of Wonders: Planetfall. It’s been a while since I made some progress on God of War, which is really good, so maybe I’ll play some of that too.

Fire Emblem: Awakening (3DS)

I’ve been playing this all week to keep my appetite for Fire Emblem Three Houses sated. There’s a ton of games that just released, and I don’t want to blow hundreds of dollars, so I’ve been tricking myself into thinking I’m playing the newest entry by replaying older entries. So far this is only sort of working.

Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana (Switch)

This is an open world RPG that I just picked up on sale. Normally a $60 game, it was half off recently in the Nintendo eShop, and I had another $8 in reward coins sitting around from a couple recent purchases I made with the Nintendo Online vouchers, so in the end I spent about $22 on this game. The game feels janky as hell, it’s super pixelated, and feels like a game made for a portable system instead of a dedicated TV Console like my Switch which remains docked 100% of the time, but so far it seems okay. I expect things to flesh out more as I progress.

Right now the biggest issue with the game is that it has fishing.

Age of Wonders III: Halflings Forever (Steam)

I’ve been trying to keep myself from buying Age of Wonders: Planetfall until any potential release technical and balance issues are ironed out. Plus I’ve been caught in indecision between buying an Xbox One or PC version, and honestly if i didn’t have to make such a choice I would have purchased Planetfall already. But in the meantime, I’ll be playing the best Age of Wonders race ever (Halflings, duh), which isn’t yet available in Planetfall.

I got my first taste of GOG Galaxy 2.0’s playtime tracking this weekend. 14 hours, 19 minutes of Red Alert 2, a game I haven’t played since I was maybe 6 years old. I don’t remember the last game I struggled to pull myself away from like this. It can be a little hard to select one specific type of unit e.g. tanks if they’re standing mixed with other units, but that’s only a problem until you assign control groups. Other than that, losing the ant-sized hero-unit in a fight and insta-failing the mission is pretty lame, but maybe I shouldn’t be playing at 1080p. The missions rely a little too much on limiting what you can build or giving you just a few overpowered units to shepherd around. Hope the expansion has more scenarios that just let me turtle and slowly blob my way around the map, but clearly enjoying myself.

You might want skirmish for turtling and blobbing, since I think most of the missions in the expansion were rather gimmicky in nature.

Kirov reporting!

Man I’ll never forget ra2. So good! Yuris revenge is the expansion, da?

Yep, that’s the one.

Wahammer 40,000: Inquisitor Martyr (Steam)

I seem to be learning this game slowly. There’s just something about the progression system and UI that kept me from picking up on certain things until after several hours of play, but now that I’m actually selecting my psychic powers I’m doing much better.

Hearthstone: Saviours of Uldum (Mobile)

This expansion came out a week or two ago, and so far it’s very enjoyable as long as you aren’t playing against a Control Warrior, Cyclone Freeze Mage, Mech Hunter, or Quest Paladin. But since those only make up about 90% of the meta right now, there’s still a lot of fun to be had playing against spouses instead… and that’s what I’ll be doing!

Before the weekend started I would have never guessed it, but I’m playing Civ V.

I got a few turns of Antihero in this weekend.


So busy.

I finished Metal Wolf Chaos XD and have contented myself with that.

ArmA3 Antistasi has claimed me again, regardless of Rebel Galaxy and NMS trying to tempt me away.

No Man’s Sky VR on the Rift S. I don’t think there is anything else that compete for my gaming time right now. So. Immersive.

How strange.

I am playing Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate. I can’t stop playing it. Now I understand the message when you launch the game.


As I see it, Monster Hunter is basically Sesame Credit-style social control. It doesn’t so much ease you into its systems as exact its design upon you. It’s like a good habit sim wrapped up in a bad habit skinner box.

I binged hard on Rebel Galaxy. Hell yeah baby! Pew Pew motherfuckers! That game hits all the right notes for me.