What have you played in the weekend?

I need to break my Diablo 3 addiction and get back to AC: Syndicate and Resident Evil 2.

Tempted to try The Outer Worlds (but I should probably finish something else from my never-ending backlog first).

How are you liking it? Its the pinnacle of the series imho.

For me (assuming I find the time), it should be a combination of AI War 2, Code Vein, Disco Elysium, and (maybe) The Outer Worlds. We’ll see.

It’s my favorite of those I’ve played: AC, AC2, Unity and Origins. To be fair, the only of those games I’ve played extensively was 2, which I loved. Put a few hours each into AC, Unity, and Origins but none of them grabbed me. I will give Origins another shot eventually as I only played than one for maybe 1 hour.

But I was hooked on Syndicate from the start. Love the wide open streets, the gang aspect, the combat animations (especially for the take-downs) and Evie. I just find the setting and more modern time period appealing and overall, the game is a lot of fun.

Definitely The Outer Worlds, and probably A.I. War 2. Also have a hankering for Age of Wonders: Planetfall

And probably a bit of end-game fun on Borderlands 3.

AI War 2, if it keeps behaving like it does this early (less than 80 degrees, yay @rhamorim!). At least fiddling with the menus is such a nice throwback… I’ll just reinstall the first one if it gets hot!
Some Divorsin 2. I’m learning the ropes. That is one difficult game. I love it even more.
And some Mario Odyssey and arcade games to chill otherwise.

AI WAR 2: Game of the Year Edition (Steam)

Picked this up. It’s a great game. Much easier for me to learn than the first one.

Star Traders: Frontiers (Steam)

I put this down last year. I picked it back up a week ago. It has been eating all of my time. I will also eat this weekend.

I got a coupon for AI Wars 2. Still on the Fence about it though.

Same here. I’m not really that patient with 4X games unless they really hold my hand for a while and don’t overwhelm me with minutiae (games with lots of sexy action are more my speed). OTOH I keep wanting to get into something like that and nine bucks seems a pittance.

AI War isn’t a 4X game. And it’s the sexiest game ever.
2 seems even a bit sexier, but time will tell.

Nothing can stop this freight train!

OK, strategy game, then. I tried going through the tutorial of the first but it was so dry. At least the second game seems to have nicer graphics.

The Outer Worlds and maybe some MLB The Show. Trying to finish up my first conquest in MLB.

As I’m trying now to do my Space Game Junkie playing and recording all on the weekdays, my weekends are now intended to be all for me, for the sake of balance and my sanity. ;) Therefore, this weekend, I’ll be diving into:

Can’t freaking wait.

Strike Fighters 2 is great. Too bad the dev went to mobile and has no plans to come back to PC with a proper Strike Fighters 3… :(

For what it’s worth, both AI Wars are built from the ground up with a fundamental opposition to micromanagement. The first one drastically minimized it compared to other games in the genre, the second seems to have gone one further and done away with it pretty much entirely.These are games about high level strategic thinking, not about clicking fast or messing with fiddly small-scale things.

Outer Worlds
Marvel Champion LCG

Atomic Zombie Smasher
Deadly Days

All indications are that I will fail mightily at both.

SF2 is new to me so it’s a whole new wonderland.