What have you played in the weekend?

AoW1’s art is so much better than SM though. I mean, SM is the better game overall I think, and I adore both, but AoW1 is so damn pretty.

It is certainly very clean and easy on the eye.

Oh hell yes.

You might be a little surprised at what happens when you “finish” the game.

Wish you were on PC, we could start up a Qt3 Survival score-war! (I assume the leaderboards are platform-specific, but maybe I should check!)

Going to try and power through to put Dark Souls 3 to bed before the new consoles arrive (and specifically the Demon’s Souls remake).

I think I’m Morrowinding down.

I was able to get a constant effect levitation item made for my character, which kinda feels like a win condition for this particular playthrough. But maybe I’ll trundle through some of the Bloodmoon and Tribunal areas, which I never did back in the day.

Traveling in style

Can’t get away from cliff racers though:

Thats looking pretty good! Lots of mods?

Just Morrowind Graphics Extender, which can make the water fancy and extend the draw distance and add some nice sun/lighting effects. The landscape parts of MW hold up quite well - the character models not so much of course.

Let’s not exaggerate! Esthetics really are a personal thing indeed :O

Personally I think it’s pretty gorgeous if your view is pointed toward the right stuff.

I played very little in the end. A bit of American Truck Simulator, a bit of Gujian 3, and a bit of Death end re;Quest. That was all.

Hopefully I’ll play more games and more time during the week, particularly the upcoming-on-Tuesday Yakuza: Like a Dragon, but also Age of Wonders: Planetfall and Warhammer 40K: Gladius.

I dusted off my digital copy of State of Decay, and have been enjoying a new playthrough.

Morrowind is from 2002! With that in mind, I find it pretty damn good looking - especially considering how large the world is!

Nice! I am not very good at the game, and constantly get killed. I’d love to play it, with a controller, but sadly I can’t make that work in any way.

I played God of War 3 Remastered on PS4. At times I was amused, and other times I hate-played it as I fell down on their shitty platforming sections a dozen times.

For Space Game Junkie this weekend, I’m returning to Interstellar Space: Genesis as it just got a new expansion and I’m eager to return to it, as it’s really one of the standout space 4X games of the last several years.

For myself, This Land is My Land is on sale and I’m VERY intrigued by it, so I’m gonna bite on it and try it out. I’ll also definitely be doing more Bloody Rally Show, and I’ve been meaning to try Ancestors Legacy as well, so I’ll try to fit that in.

Should be a good weekend!

Psst, you forgot your obligatory Star Fleet II mention :O

Well now that I’ve refunded This Land is My Land I’ll have time to get a little bit in I suppose. ;)

Well that wasn’t a very long owned purchase!

Too buggy, too problematic, not very fun as a result, so refunded it gets.

Assassin’s Creed: Origins (Xbox)

I’ll be playing Assassin’s Creed: Origins all weekend. I’ve been playing it for days now and am currently level 27 or so. The story and setting is just getting weirder and weirder and makes no sense at all. There seems to be three different levels of conciousness happening, but I guess it’s too much effort for the developers to explain what the hell is going on so they just sort of decided not to bother.

Anyway, the world is gorgeous, the combat is okay but doesn’t come close to the Shadow of Mordor/War series, and the voice acting is great. Once I finish this I plan to play Far Cry 4. I started that the other day but stopped after a couple hours because I wanted to force myself to finish this one first instead of constantly putting it off.

Mostly playing AC:Valhalla, but the last couple days I’ve played a little Slay the Spire for the first time in many months.